Vegetable Garden

125 year old Halfling construction, small sized

Location: Sagoham

Owned by: Angelsa Roe-Boyd

A small Cob-walled home with round windows. A small vegetable garden is nearby. The vegetables grown include tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers and lettuce.


Name Role Age Gender Race Description
Angelsa Roe-Boyd Vegetable Farmer 107 Female Halfling She is an elderly halfling with brown eyes, black hair in a ponytail, and dark brown skin.
Diloora Roe-Boyd Housekeeper 66 Female Halfling She is an adult halfling with grey eyes, long flowing dyed auburn hair, and olive skin.
Gerdanth Riser-Bryan Vegetable Farmer 35 Female Halfling She is an adult halfling with amber eyes, short curly dyed light-brown hair, and olive skin.
Jasmse Bryan Vegetable Farmer 59 Female Halfling She is an adult halfling with green eyes, short curly blond hair, and olive skin.
Lina Roe-Boyd Housekeeper 63 Female Halfling She is an adult halfling with green eyes, long curly dyed red hair, and olive skin.
Meriadmac Riser-Bryan Housekeeper 28 Male Halfling He is an adult halfling with amber eyes (behind a pair of spectacles), strawberry hair in braids, stubble, and olive skin.
Rutus Bryan Housekeeper 55 Male Halfling He is an adult halfling with amber eyes, a shaved head, a clean shaven face, and light brown skin.

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