Atelier Liloen Graveyard
Turnurotili Glermdor Iblerin Allison
674 AC - 799 AC
She was survived by her faithful husband Ireland Bulgehair Greenhole Stupderg and children Liloyaar, Kenedy and Hogkin.
Loved by all.
Gotlurg Gimórói Dean Keziah Ora
637 AC - 798 AC
She has rejoined her beloved husband Erostir Brightfist Digglebairn Holfalcso and was survived by her children Kinluin and Georgiana.
Loved by all.
Krivrax Narjhax Hergsug Steelhammer Brightpick
685 AC - 797 AC
He has rejoined his loving wife Briffo Bluntshoulder Hogpen Newkin and was survived by his children Kiltglerm, Kiltglerm and Ilbaerrae.
A gnome of repute.
Ebole Hildbo Manuel Claricia
692 AC - 796 AC
He was survived by his committed wife Kilarvi Sogwymm Inarfar Memphalrir and seven children.
A valiant gnome.
Enkenir Buttonwort Egor Gotkim Pandax
648 AC - 794 AC
She has rejoined her beloved husband Dijaith Therdaire Derbit Keziah and was survived by her daughter Everever Narvol Leadtunnel.
Wise, wonderful, devoted.
Hugo Gulasan Aredheir Creashtuion Iblerin
606 AC - 792 AC
He has rejoined his loving wife Agrhsug Serinir Arantdur Copperpush and was survived by his son Priscada Erlisarn.
Peace at last.
Agathorter Beryllacks Bulgebairn Dodior Loldrajun
621 AC - 791 AC
She has rejoined her beloved husband Gimlhal Rumblehair Brenhazkan Geetfizz and was survived by her children Hallgalhae, Onisdon and Kornar.
Sleep on now, and take your rest.
Leadquench Mirabnda Wolf Gordid
719 AC - 791 AC
He was survived by his doting wife Moonglaril Platinummine Lolser Ningfter Dyonisius.
Our enduring inspiration.
Belzull Gimlóni Eramornan Loldrajun Stupderg
652 AC - 791 AC
He has rejoined his loving wife Jonah Valpatyre Erostaan Higgins and was survived by his five children.
Always in our thoughts, forever in our hearts.
Greenheaver Faramba Goldgardner Jessamnna Yavanhel
676 AC - 791 AC
She was survived by her doting wife Bombalin Nimldis Edrahil Eledhelel.
Rest in Peace.
Bessy Bluntpick Corblurg Forgkill Richeman
633 AC - 789 AC
He has rejoined his faithful wife Galadriis Eagerseeker Durun Dilthejadul and was survived by his children Huff and Gerser.
He walked in beauty.
Brasseyes Audrayl Franklin Higgins Westfall
663 AC - 789 AC
She has rejoined her faithful husband Fatimulia Quiloxith Faerxanorn Kilzath and was survived by her daughter Lauratha Worcras Mimosaot.
In beloved and abiding memory.
Grubbgardner Griffith Estes Kilzath Smondolo
653 AC - 788 AC
He was survived by his faithful wife Alepush Robertson Primrva Lorntun Drarnouc and son Shalan Littlebottom Montgomery Smondolo.
Good and faithful servants.
Gloras Mutmang Curufinair Hallen Mîráin
635 AC - 787 AC
He has rejoined his loving wife Iseman Ironchest Chromeleg Ghejha and was survived by his son Heskaan Yarhun Grimaha Mîráin.
Dearly beloved.
Stonefist Bodur Eliza Forgkill Slendth
649 AC - 787 AC
She has rejoined her loving husband Mimosaarl Idrildir Dwaláin Glorn and was survived by her five children.
No one spread more love in one lifetime.
Gildo Thorórói Burrowiffer Frazier Manuel
622 AC - 786 AC
He has rejoined his faithful wife Bessy Bluntpick Copperlamp Geetfizz and was survived by his children Killkill, Boffhole and Corneine.
Dearly loved.
Kibun Durili Duncan Marbet Reginald
644 AC - 785 AC
He was survived by his loving wife Hallgalhae Hamon Dugslock Loldrajun and children Kluaporos, Glermborg and Faaldrical.
Rest in Peace.
Turbertus Clodville Dwaliluin Durar Roland
645 AC - 784 AC
She has rejoined her beloved husband Bolgerogers Ghejhaius Foldrar Gotkim and was survived by her four children.
Loved by all.
Bolgerogers Ghejhaius Foldrar Gotkim Roland
660 AC - 782 AC
He was survived by his wife Turbertus Clodville Dwaliluin Durar and four children.
A valiant gnome.
Karhock Walter Cottarl Keziah Newkin
634 AC - 782 AC
She has rejoined her husband Corcam Kline Cook Gilxekin and was survived by her children Hildbo, Eleboth and Anaihil.
Dearly loved.
Barnett Rowley Fritz Ibin Wolf
663 AC - 781 AC
She was survived by her faithful husband Hurkmut Kimjerg Gaukgardner Kliphjur and children Jovyreala, Headbody and Geetgloor.
A free spirit.
Dijaith Therdaire Derbit Keziah Pandax
639 AC - 779 AC
He was survived by his wife Enkenir Buttonwort Egor Gotkim and daughter Everever Narvol Leadtunnel.
No one spread more love in one lifetime.
Esmerily Bishop Dorlutt Iblerin Perra
642 AC - 778 AC
He was survived by his wife Brockkin Digburrow Forgkill and children Klastendemer, Hurkagrh and Gildgon.
Whither thou goest I will go.
Jonah Valpatyre Erostaan Higgins Stupderg
653 AC - 778 AC
She was survived by her husband Belzull Gimlóni Eramornan Loldrajun and five children.
In Loving Memory.
Karrkarr Luttgor Florar Kandnorg Starnblurg
660 AC - 777 AC
He has rejoined his wife Florbur Amethose Elwinduas Marbet and was survived by his children Lariarbcer and Ironpush.
Cleaveeyes Zraqirothsh Caraddic Fari Memphalrir
624 AC - 773 AC
She has rejoined her beloved husband Annaril Coalchest Chambers Durar Curtis and was survived by her daughter Kilarvi Sogwymm Inarfar Memphalrir.
Love you always.
Dugsburrow Alfred Darkcandle Dilthejadul Olddeep
635 AC - 772 AC
She has rejoined her beloved husband Joe Shaciaoth Celeon Holfalcso Náini and was survived by her children Kilundin and Hergyit.
In Loving Memory.
Dagissava Elebda Newville Beleor Hurkbit
731 AC - 772 AC
She was survived by her beloved husband Moonshyith Dwaliuin Narnajul Clayton.
Briffo Bluntshoulder Hogpen Newkin Brightpick
686 AC - 772 AC
She was survived by her husband Krivrax Narjhax Hergsug Steelhammer and children Kiltglerm, Kiltglerm and Ilbaerrae.
A valiant gnome.
Kliphjur Eldaeg Isumbngo Pandax Cemtun
693 AC - 772 AC
He was survived by his wife Koryar Naugal Ildrorax Ravanare and children Lornfarg and Kiphikeas.
Lived life to the full.
Fatimulia Quiloxith Faerxanorn Kilzath Westfall
655 AC - 771 AC
He was survived by his doting wife Brasseyes Audrayl Franklin Higgins and daughter Lauratha Worcras Mimosaot.
Dearly loved.
Kelerow Medueam Elenwnna Kilzath Ravanare
649 AC - 770 AC
He has rejoined his doting wife Kerrhylin Sturdyminer Dudost Loldrajun and was survived by his children Koryar and Ilcomrim.
A gnome of repute.
Florbur Amethose Elwinduas Marbet Starnblurg
650 AC - 767 AC
She was survived by her doting husband Karrkarr Luttgor Florar Kandnorg and children Lariarbcer and Ironpush.
We plough the fields and scatter the good seed on the land.
Targlaaur Parrog Beleiny Coalcarter Keoverhaer
613 AC - 766 AC
She has rejoined her beloved wife Irvin Proudgirdle Brighttongs Forgkill and was survived by her daughter Keller Bombáin Gorgot Keoverhaer.
Took her secrets to her grave.
Erostir Brightfist Digglebairn Holfalcso Ora
641 AC - 765 AC
He was survived by his faithful wife Gotlurg Gimórói Dean Keziah and children Kinluin and Georgiana.
Until We Meet Again.
Galadriis Eagerseeker Durun Dilthejadul Richeman
645 AC - 765 AC
She was survived by her loving husband Bessy Bluntpick Corblurg Forgkill and children Huff and Gerser.
Always in our thoughts, forever in our hearts.
Kimalin Idrilinedal Fizzgor Newkin Theobaldus
659 AC - 765 AC
He has rejoined his faithful wife Clay Faepatbis Glorn and was survived by his four children.
Dearly loved.
Eugene Whipple Beanhair of Nibsworth
698 AC - 764 AC
He was survived by his faithful wife Dow Killu Stupderg.
Loved by all.
Rush Egnoeg Houghton Loceatherhee Elendal of Donnhahalh
711 AC - 763 AC
He was survived by his beloved wife Irdreaf Farehair Naraow Claricia Elendal and children Thierda and Karrtun.
A Lifetime of Laughter and Love.
Isabel Fawin Camelnna Gilxekin Marbet
623 AC - 763 AC
He has rejoined his loving wife Edhwil Welsh Buttonheaver Fari and was survived by his daughter Clodblower Roisia Gheraax Barnard.
A gnome of repute.
Clay Faepatbis Glorn Theobaldus
655 AC - 760 AC
She was survived by her doting husband Kimalin Idrilinedal Fizzgor Newkin and four children.
A gnome of repute.
Coalchest Battin Corpuu Frazier Ningfter
634 AC - 760 AC
He has rejoined his beloved wife Ilyaur Griffo Dickey Dilthejadul and was survived by his children Hoghill and Nauorin.
A very special gnome.
Gimlhal Rumblehair Brenhazkan Geetfizz Loldrajun
619 AC - 760 AC
He was survived by his wife Agathorter Beryllacks Bulgebairn Dodior and children Hallgalhae, Onisdon and Kornar.
In everloving memory.
Vollorn Coifer Daloaal Fari Oldbottom
635 AC - 758 AC
He was survived by his wife Belbitri Dergwow Criswoiri Frazier and four children.
Until We Meet Again.
Kerrhylin Sturdyminer Dudost Loldrajun Ravanare
643 AC - 755 AC
She was survived by her doting husband Kelerow Medueam Elenwnna Kilzath and children Koryar and Ilcomrim.
The acts of this life are the destiny of the next.
Joe Shaciaoth Celeon Holfalcso Náini Olddeep
626 AC - 755 AC
He was survived by his committed wife Dugsburrow Alfred Darkcandle Dilthejadul and children Kilundin and Hergyit.
Until We Meet Again.
Bessy Bluntpick Copperlamp Geetfizz Manuel
633 AC - 754 AC
She was survived by her beloved husband Gildo Thorórói Burrowiffer Frazier and children Killkill, Boffhole and Corneine.
Death is only a shadow across the path.
Edhwil Welsh Buttonheaver Fari Marbet
622 AC - 754 AC
She was survived by her husband Isabel Fawin Camelnna Gilxekin and daughter Clodblower Roisia Gheraax Barnard.
In Loving Memory.
Louise Gorasmorax Nargraxas Cooper Galair
722 AC - 752 AC
He was survived by his faithful wife Gildgon Fargtin Mahin Perra and daughter Mathilda Thrórói Pitsug.
Those we love don't go away, they walk beside us every day.
Iris Fulloner Barnett Fari Hunt Kliphjur
612 AC - 752 AC
He has rejoined his beloved wife Fizzlorn Cornar Bluntpush Bungoso and was survived by his son Hurkmut Kimjerg Gaukgardner Kliphjur.
Loved by all.
Gimluin Robuuc Donarjhas Ghejha Donnan Óiundin
642 AC - 750 AC
He was survived by his beloved husband Alecarter Medmorvin Gimis Higgins.
Till death do us part.
Balórói Iathal Manuel Denein
688 AC - 749 AC
She was survived by her husband Glermborg Filibnob Katherine Reginald and five children.
A gnome of repute.
Yavanth Bhardur Corkilt Kilzath
615 AC - 748 AC
She has rejoined her loving husband Finduis Deepfist Boyer Glorn and was survived by her daughter Cecelia Raegen Johnson.
When you are sorrowful, look again.
Ioetta Canady Yitgor of Port Shilcliffe
688 AC - 747 AC
She was survived by her beloved wife Killkill Robins Gimlráin Manuel Kimban.
Until We Meet Again.
Mimosaarl Idrildir Dwaláin Glorn Slendth
645 AC - 745 AC
He was survived by his wife Stonefist Bodur Eliza Forgkill and five children.
Dearly beloved.
Lormooth Jemith Mayme Claricia Gertav
715 AC - 743 AC
He was survived by his faithful wife Darkquench Malvla Marida Stupderg and daughter Marrdic Willson Orelamp Gertav Pekkanak.
Sleep on now, and take your rest.
Corcam Kline Cook Gilxekin Newkin
633 AC - 740 AC
He was survived by his loving wife Karhock Walter Cottarl Keziah and children Hildbo, Eleboth and Anaihil.
With a greater thing to do.
Gertav Olasati Benedict Fari Kerrhisec
614 AC - 739 AC
She was survived by her beloved husband Idrinden Fanghal Betort Didder and daughter Karrkarr Luttgor Geetder Waggoner.
Until We Meet Again.
Vardael Sackbuck Argentver Ada Ibin
607 AC - 739 AC
She has rejoined her husband Hantoggle Crooks Tortrde Ulduskmear Durar and was survived by her son Walker Lord Gamkin Ibin.
Dearly beloved.
Fizzlorn Cornar Bluntpush Bungoso Kliphjur
616 AC - 734 AC
She was survived by her faithful husband Iris Fulloner Barnett Fari Hunt and son Hurkmut Kimjerg Gaukgardner Kliphjur.
Forever in our hearts.
Dugsburrow Alfred Battin Dilthejadul Kandnorg
612 AC - 733 AC
He was survived by his doting wife Freeman Largtut Bladjo Didder and daughter Faorn Bronzepush Hawksongwer Kandnorg.
Generous of heart, constant of faith.
Freeman Largtut Bladjo Didder Kandnorg
616 AC - 733 AC
She has rejoined her faithful husband Dugsburrow Alfred Battin Dilthejadul and was survived by her daughter Faorn Bronzepush Hawksongwer Kandnorg.
Miranna Polatuuid Ushibzys Whimburrow Everl
585 AC - 733 AC
She has rejoined her husband Hornheaver Nimroain Whitgins Bericas and was survived by her daughter Egalmotin Thrurin Edhelal.
With Solina.
Ilyaur Griffo Dickey Dilthejadul Ningfter
640 AC - 732 AC
She was survived by her committed husband Coalchest Battin Corpuu Frazier and children Hoghill and Nauorin.
Óiorin Hornhouse Arthashjir Coalcarter Higgins
609 AC - 731 AC
She has rejoined her loving husband Berddu Rudd Amirdel Ada and was survived by her children Denetor, Alecarter and Norixiad.
Love will tear us apart.
Karrhluc Eledhwil Goldaxe Jessamnna Ariear
676 AC - 727 AC
He was survived by his beloved wife Eleboth Mishannnn Newkin and daughter Liloyaar Kidni Kunton Ariear.
Our enduring inspiration.
Agrhsug Serinir Arantdur Copperpush Iblerin
605 AC - 727 AC
She was survived by her loving husband Hugo Gulasan Aredheir Creashtuion and son Priscada Erlisarn.
Where Solina leads me I can safely go.
Folcaoc Canady Yarlorn Crancacth Forgkill
593 AC - 725 AC
He has rejoined his wife Haldorion Cristiana Winston Xarghulax and was survived by his daughter Brockkin Digburrow Forgkill.
In everloving memory.
Haldorion Cristiana Winston Xarghulax Forgkill
591 AC - 722 AC
She was survived by her husband Folcaoc Canady Yarlorn Crancacth and daughter Brockkin Digburrow Forgkill.
Loved by all.
Ibliadur Korian Voltin Coalcarter Frazier
588 AC - 721 AC
He has rejoined his wife Thoróin Cloldrluc Ulduskmear and was survived by his daughter Belbitri Dergwow Criswoiri Frazier.
A very special gnome.
Hornheaver Nimroain Whitgins Bericas Everl
591 AC - 719 AC
He was survived by his doting wife Miranna Polatuuid Ushibzys Whimburrow and daughter Egalmotin Thrurin Edhelal.
Rest in Peace.
Thoróin Cloldrluc Ulduskmear Frazier
592 AC - 718 AC
She was survived by her beloved husband Ibliadur Korian Voltin Coalcarter and daughter Belbitri Dergwow Criswoiri Frazier.
Truth to your own spirit.
Voroyax Rumblehair Yavardanna Amphish Glorn
594 AC - 715 AC
He has rejoined his doting wife Foldrar Panslia Zorhadueth Coalcarter and was survived by his daughter Orórói Cambit Dorama Atwood.
Love will tear us apart.
Hobsomar Yavanna Talemwe Amphish Didder
569 AC - 712 AC
She has rejoined her husband Ushibnn Tharili Tantaia Rugaic and was survived by her children Idrinden and Tháin.
In everloving memory.
Ushibnn Tharili Tantaia Rugaic Didder
570 AC - 711 AC
He was survived by his doting wife Hobsomar Yavanna Talemwe Amphish and children Idrinden and Tháin.
Until We Meet Again.
Berddu Rudd Amirdel Ada Higgins
602 AC - 707 AC
He was survived by his faithful wife Óiorin Hornhouse Arthashjir Coalcarter and children Denetor, Alecarter and Norixiad.
With a greater thing to do.
Foldrar Panslia Zorhadueth Coalcarter Glorn
596 AC - 705 AC
She was survived by her loving husband Voroyax Rumblehair Yavardanna Amphish and daughter Orórói Cambit Dorama Atwood.
Forever in our hearts.
Finduis Deepfist Boyer Glorn Kilzath
618 AC - 705 AC
He was survived by his wife Yavanth Bhardur Corkilt and daughter Cecelia Raegen Johnson.
Loved beyond the stars.
Hantoggle Crooks Tortrde Ulduskmear Durar Ibin
579 AC - 703 AC
He was survived by his loving wife Vardael Sackbuck Argentver Ada and son Walker Lord Gamkin Ibin.
A valiant gnome.
Irvin Proudgirdle Brighttongs Forgkill Keoverhaer
620 AC - 701 AC
She was survived by her loving wife Targlaaur Parrog Beleiny Coalcarter and daughter Keller Bombáin Gorgot Keoverhaer.
Forever in our hearts.
Annaril Coalchest Chambers Durar Curtis Memphalrir
627 AC - 695 AC
He was survived by his beloved wife Cleaveeyes Zraqirothsh Caraddic Fari and daughter Kilarvi Sogwymm Inarfar Memphalrir.
Truth to your own spirit.
Iseman Ironchest Chromeleg Ghejha Mîráin
628 AC - 680 AC
She was survived by her doting husband Gloras Mutmang Curufinair Hallen and son Heskaan Yarhun Grimaha Mîráin.
A free spirit.
Goodnose Sturdybrow Fargbet Aredheir Buncepen
402 AC - 530 AC
He was survived by his doting wife Nimrodis Sanderson.
A Life Measured in Memories.
Bunceman Erdirev Enkenthudur Aaron Dilricetlik Faridehis Abkun
395 AC - 530 AC
He was survived by his wife Celean Underward.
Good and faithful servants.