Horsdon Graveyard


Pauline Bean

Symbol of Marlon

743 AC - 801 AC

She has rejoined her doting husband Willie and was survived by her six children.

In everloving memory.

Benjamin Burr

Symbol of Marlon

736 AC - 800 AC

He was survived by his doting wife Naomi and daughter Edith Bean.


Jenny Drew (born Drew-Morrell)

741 AC - 800 AC

She has rejoined her loving husband Ebenezer and was survived by her children Theobald and Iva.

Fairwell vain world I've known enough of thee.

Philippa Howell

Symbol of Caspio

744 AC - 800 AC

She was survived by her doting wife Agneta.

Loved beyond the stars.

Edith Burr of Alnbourne

Symbol of Caspio

761 AC - 799 AC

She was survived by her faithful husband Brandas and four children.

Your love will light my way.

Katerina Burr

738 AC - 799 AC

She was survived by her loving husband Marion and children Margareta, Oscar and Keziah.

A free spirit.

Roburrd Bankears

Symbol of Marlon

740 AC - 799 AC

He has rejoined his beloved wife Gerdasa and was survived by his children Cornond and Joan.

Loved by all.

Ernaldus Burr

742 AC - 799 AC

He has rejoined his beloved wife Josephine and was survived by his five children.

Truth to your own spirit.

Michael Bean

Symbol of Marlon

743 AC - 799 AC

He was survived by his loving wife Gonilda and children Lavina, Ernoldus and Julius.

Rest in Peace.

Cornelia Cameron

746 AC - 799 AC

She has rejoined her doting husband Harry and was survived by her children Avicia and Ephraim.

Truth to your own spirit.

Harry Cameron of Alnbourne

742 AC - 799 AC

He was survived by his wife Cornelia and children Avicia and Ephraim.

A Life Measured in Memories.

Willie Bean of Folkesgate

Symbol of Caspio

737 AC - 799 AC

He was survived by his loving wife Pauline and six children.

May Caspio guide his spirit.

Ragenild Bankears

Symbol of Marlon

745 AC - 798 AC

She was survived by her husband Phillip and children Eugene and Edmund.

A woman of repute.

Rebecca Cameron

742 AC - 798 AC

She has rejoined her doting husband Walding and was survived by her son Lewis.

A woman of repute.

Hubert Bean

Symbol of Marlon

742 AC - 798 AC

He was survived by his wife Petronilla and five children.

Our lives are poorer without you.

Eliza Kelsey

Symbol of Caspio

719 AC - 797 AC

She has rejoined her beloved husband Alfred and was survived by her four children.


Sue Drew-Morrell

Symbol of Caspio

735 AC - 797 AC

She has rejoined her beloved husband Edward and was survived by her son Helyas Place.

More than love.

Clara Griffiths

Symbol of Marlon

743 AC - 797 AC

She was survived by her beloved husband Turbert and seven children.

Rest in Peace.

Tamar Griffiths

758 AC - 797 AC

She was survived by her doting husband Baden and five children.

Fairwell vain world I've known enough of thee.

Redvers Burr

Symbol of Vastra

768 AC - 796 AC

He was survived by his faithful wife Elsie and son Uriah.

A man of repute.

Roger Kelsey

739 AC - 796 AC

He was survived by his wife Eileen.

May their memory be eternal.

Philippus Burr

Symbol of Marlon

732 AC - 793 AC

He has rejoined his loving wife Marjorie and was survived by his children Bert and Charlie.

In Loving Memory.

Josephine Burr

Symbol of Caspio

738 AC - 793 AC

She was survived by her husband Ernaldus and five children.

A valiant woman.

Jenny Kelsey

732 AC - 792 AC

She has rejoined her doting husband Caleb and was survived by her daughter Harriott Mounteney.

For all we know this might only be a dream, we come and go like ripples in a stream.

Isaac Burr

Symbol of Caspio

738 AC - 792 AC

He was survived by his faithful wife Annette and four children.

A valiant man.

Phoebe Gregg the 2nd

Symbol of Caspio

725 AC - 792 AC

She was survived by her son Jay.

May their memory be eternal.

Alan Kelsey

Symbol of Marlon

726 AC - 791 AC

He has rejoined his beloved wife Hattie and was survived by his son Horace.

Always loving, always loved.

Caleb Kelsey

Symbol of Caspio

731 AC - 791 AC

He was survived by his doting wife Jenny and daughter Harriott Mounteney.

The sweetest and the greatest of any man God created.

Dionisia Kelsey

Symbol of Marlon

736 AC - 791 AC

She was survived by her husband Walkelinus and children Lela and Hester.

Loved by all.

Hunfridus Freeman-Kelsey

Symbol of Caspio

736 AC - 790 AC

He was survived by his loving wife Eileen and children Violet, Louis and Christina.

Rest in Peace.

Reuben Howell

Symbol of Marlon

735 AC - 790 AC

He was survived by his doting wife Cameha and daughter Beryl Burr.

Until We Meet Again.

Walding Cameron

Symbol of Marlon

744 AC - 790 AC

He was survived by his doting wife Rebecca and son Lewis.

Well played.

Gerdasa Bankears

Symbol of Caspio

736 AC - 790 AC

She was survived by her loving husband Roburrd and children Cornond and Joan.


Margareta Morrell

716 AC - 790 AC

She has rejoined her beloved husband Albin and was survived by her children Adeline and Wilfred.

Rest in Peace.

Trevor Howell

Symbol of Marlon

728 AC - 790 AC

He has rejoined his loving wife Penelope and was survived by his children Thomas, Cristiana and Henricus.


Masota Drew-Morrell of Dartheath

758 AC - 790 AC

She was survived by her loving husband Guy and son Edward Morrell.

A wonderful woman. We love you.

Victoria Gregg

731 AC - 789 AC

She has rejoined her husband Ioco and was survived by her daughter Constable Maldsa Freeman-Kelsey.

In Loving Memory.

Avice Morrell

Symbol of Caspio

726 AC - 789 AC

She has rejoined her beloved husband Lester.

Your love will light my way.

Jonathan Cameron

Symbol of Caspio

736 AC - 788 AC

He has rejoined his faithful wife Hilda and was survived by his daughter Thomasin Gregg.

The memory of the just is blessed.

Ysabella Gregg of Dartheath

Symbol of Caspio

725 AC - 788 AC

She has rejoined her beloved husband Wilfred and was survived by her children Ollie, Arabella and Gonilda.

Loved by all.

John Burr

Symbol of Marlon

716 AC - 788 AC

He has rejoined his beloved wife Avelina and was survived by his five children.

A man of repute.

Ebenezer Drew

Symbol of Caspio

734 AC - 787 AC

He was survived by his loving wife Jenny and children Theobald and Iva.


Willie Burr

Symbol of Marlon

725 AC - 787 AC

He has rejoined his wife Marianne and was survived by his six children.

Always in our thoughts, forever in our hearts.

Avicia Drew

725 AC - 787 AC

She has rejoined her beloved husband Lagot and was survived by her children Katharine, Ebenezer and Milot.

Tears water our growth.

Wilfred Gregg

Symbol of Marlon

725 AC - 787 AC

He was survived by his loving wife Ysabella and children Ollie, Arabella and Gonilda.


Christine Burr of Folcoworth (born Gregg-Burr)

726 AC - 787 AC

She has rejoined her beloved husband Ian and was survived by her children Caleb and Arnold.

In beloved and abiding memory.

Hilda Cameron

Symbol of Marlon

732 AC - 786 AC

She was survived by her loving husband Jonathan and daughter Thomasin Gregg.

A woman of repute.

Jemima Burr

Symbol of Caspio

730 AC - 786 AC

She has rejoined her loving husband Bowmrry and was survived by her four children.

Generous of heart, constant of faith.

Dollie Murphy

Symbol of Caspio

729 AC - 786 AC

She has rejoined her beloved husband Irvin and was survived by her children Sadie, Mabel and Clinton.

Loved by all.

Mildred Burr

727 AC - 786 AC

She has rejoined her loving husband Uriah and was survived by her children Goodwisbs, Osegod and Anthony.

Loved by all.

Ioco Gregg

Symbol of Caspio

727 AC - 785 AC

He was survived by his doting wife Victoria and daughter Constable Maldsa Freeman-Kelsey.

So sad, so fresh, the days that are no more.

Marguerite Howell

Symbol of Caspio

721 AC - 785 AC

She has rejoined her beloved husband Hunfridus and was survived by her children Elmer, Matilda and Owen.

Generous of heart, constant of faith.

Sophie Kelsey

Symbol of Caspio

721 AC - 785 AC

She has rejoined her loving husband Obadiah and was survived by her daughter Thomasin.

With Caspio.

Mabilia Murray

Symbol of Marlon

724 AC - 785 AC

She has rejoined her loving husband Solomon and was survived by her daughter Marian.

Rest in Peace.

David Burr

Symbol of Marlon

719 AC - 784 AC

He has rejoined his beloved wife Mollie and was survived by his children Mabil, Mamie and Ioetta.

Rest in Peace.

Bowmrry Burr

Symbol of Caspio

728 AC - 783 AC

He was survived by his beloved wife Jemima and four children.

Peace at last.

Irvin Murphy of Alnbourne

Symbol of Marlon

727 AC - 783 AC

He was survived by his loving wife Dollie and children Sadie, Mabel and Clinton.

Dearly loved.

Marjorie Burr

729 AC - 782 AC

She was survived by her loving husband Philippus and children Bert and Charlie.

In beloved and abiding memory.

Gerald Kelsey

Symbol of Caspio

728 AC - 782 AC

He has rejoined his wife Tamar and was survived by his children Eddie, Iuliana and Theobald.

Deep peace of the quiet earth to you.

Hattie Kelsey

Symbol of Marlon

713 AC - 782 AC

She was survived by her loving husband Alan and daughter Birdie Bean.

Always loving, always loved.

Eugene Bankears

Symbol of Caspio

719 AC - 782 AC

He has rejoined his doting wife Gwendoline and was survived by his four children.

In Loving Memory.

Tamar Kelsey

Symbol of Marlon

724 AC - 781 AC

She was survived by her beloved husband Gerald and children Eddie, Iuliana and Theobald.

May their memory be eternal.

Penelope Howell of Dartheath

724 AC - 781 AC

She was survived by her faithful husband Trevor and children Thomas, Cristiana and Henricus.

So loved.

Wydo Bean

720 AC - 780 AC

He has rejoined his loving wife Harriot and was survived by his children Amelia, Beryl and Mildred.

Rest in Peace.

Josie Drew-Morrell

Symbol of Marlon

746 AC - 780 AC

She was survived by her beloved husband Herbert and daughter Nell Burr.

With Marlon.

Jenny Kelsey of Dartheath

Symbol of Caspio

728 AC - 780 AC

She was survived by her loving husband Alan and son Horace.

Dearly beloved.

Victoria Cameron

720 AC - 780 AC

She has rejoined her beloved husband Nathaniel and was survived by her son Jonathan.

Until We Meet Again.

Julius Bean (born Oakbairn-Bean)

Symbol of Marlon

723 AC - 780 AC

He has rejoined his beloved wife Gonnilda and was survived by his four children.

Greater love hath no man than this, that he lay down his life for his friend.

Marianne Burr of Alnbourne

Symbol of Marlon

724 AC - 779 AC

She was survived by her loving husband Willie and six children.

Until We Meet Again.

Elfsta Kelsey

712 AC - 779 AC

He was survived by his faithful wife Hattie and daughter Birdie Bean.

A valiant man.

Uriah Burr

Symbol of Marlon

723 AC - 779 AC

He was survived by his faithful wife Mildred and children Goodwisbs, Osegod and Anthony.

Peace at last.

Harriot Bean of Alnbourne

Symbol of Marlon

718 AC - 778 AC

She was survived by her husband Wydo and children Amelia, Beryl and Mildred.

Dearly beloved.

Gonnilda Bean of Dartheath

717 AC - 778 AC

She was survived by her husband Julius and four children.

A free spirit.

Morris Lamb (born Kelsey-Lamb)

Symbol of Caspio

716 AC - 778 AC

He has rejoined his loving wife Edith and was survived by his children Naomi, Simon and Arnold.

He has soared away to a better land.

Ian Burr

Symbol of Marlon

725 AC - 778 AC

He was survived by his loving wife Christine and children Caleb and Arnold.

A Life Measured in Memories.

Avelina Burr

Symbol of Marlon

721 AC - 778 AC

She was survived by her beloved husband John and five children.

Until We Meet Again.

Levi Kelsey

714 AC - 777 AC

He was survived by his loving wife Ella and daughter Enid Burr.

In everloving memory.

Ella Kelsey

718 AC - 777 AC

She has rejoined her doting husband Levi and was survived by her daughter Enid Burr.

Loved by all.

Obadiah Kelsey of Dartheath

Symbol of Vastra

721 AC - 776 AC

He was survived by his wife Sophie and daughter Thomasin.

Loved by all.

Gwendoline Bankears

720 AC - 775 AC

She was survived by her faithful husband Eugene and four children.

A free spirit.

Edward Drew-Morrell

Symbol of Marlon

720 AC - 775 AC

He was survived by his committed wife Sue and children Wilfred, Guy and Helyas.

A man of repute.

Jean Mugbody

Symbol of Caspio

717 AC - 774 AC

She has rejoined her doting husband Osmundus and was survived by her daughter Jane Dodson.

A valiant woman.

Hunfridus Howell

Symbol of Caspio

718 AC - 774 AC

He was survived by his beloved wife Marguerite and children Elmer, Matilda and Owen.

So sad, so fresh, the days that are no more.

Nathaniel Cameron

Symbol of Marlon

719 AC - 774 AC

He was survived by his faithful wife Victoria and son Jonathan.

Dearly loved.

Thomas Burr

Symbol of Caspio

705 AC - 774 AC

He has rejoined his wife Maldsa and was survived by his son Philippus.


Eddie Kelsey

Symbol of Caspio

708 AC - 773 AC

He has rejoined his beloved wife Lavina and was survived by his daughter Gonilda Bean.

Step softly, a dream lies buried here.

Mollie Burr

Symbol of Marlon

717 AC - 771 AC

She was survived by her husband David and children Mabil, Mamie and Ioetta.

A very special woman.

Clinton Cameron

Symbol of Marlon

717 AC - 770 AC

He was survived by his faithful wife Mabil and five children.

Generous of heart, constant of faith.

Mabil Cameron of Dartheath

717 AC - 770 AC

She has rejoined her faithful husband Clinton and was survived by her five children.

She followed dreams, stars and ships.

Brandas Burr of Folcoworth

Symbol of Caspio

706 AC - 770 AC

He has rejoined his doting wife Nell and was survived by his son Anton.

The sweetest and the greatest of any man God created.

Edith Lamb

716 AC - 769 AC

She was survived by her doting husband Morris and children Naomi, Simon and Arnold.

Loved by all.

Albin Morrell (born Drew-Morrell)

Symbol of Marlon

717 AC - 769 AC

He was survived by his faithful wife Margareta and children Adeline and Wilfred.

Rest in Peace.

Maldsa Burr of Alnbourne

706 AC - 768 AC

She was survived by her faithful husband Thomas and son Philippus.

A free spirit.

Lagot Drew

Symbol of Xor

711 AC - 768 AC

He was survived by his loving wife Avicia and children Ebenezer and Milot.

In everloving memory.

Nell Burr

Symbol of Kalis

707 AC - 767 AC

She was survived by her loving husband Brandas and son Anton.

Deep peace of the quiet earth to you.

Lavina Kelsey

708 AC - 767 AC

She was survived by her loving husband Eddie and daughter Gonilda Bean.

A valiant woman.

Solomon Murray of Alnbourne

Symbol of Caspio

711 AC - 767 AC

He was survived by his wife Mabilia and daughter Marian.

Rest in Peace.

Ella Burr

Symbol of Marlon

712 AC - 767 AC

She has rejoined her beloved husband Fred and was survived by her son Isaac.

A woman of repute.

Alfred Kelsey

704 AC - 766 AC

He was survived by his wife Eliza and children Katie, Callie and Wesley.

Forever in our hearts.

Marjorie Burr

Symbol of Marlon

710 AC - 764 AC

She has rejoined her husband Bert and was survived by her son Marion.

An unfortunate but good woman.

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