Camp Fanhun

A tiny orcish hamlet, Pop. 59

A deep well gives this hamlet a focal point, its dwellings scattered about it. The hamlet has been built in the scrublands. Not much grows here.

The primary language of the settlement is Common.

Faction: None

Demographics: Orc 68% (40), Human 17% (10), Gnome 5% (3), Elf 3% (2), Goblin 3% (2), Tiefling 2% (1), Half-Orc 2% (1) (Total: 59)

Elevation 1,040 feet.


Nearby Locations

All nearby locations within 5 miles. Note: distances given are as the crow flies.


Itinerants are NPCs with no fixed home. They may be visiting, have arranged temporarily accommodation, or be living rough on the streets.

  • Dunksug - Male Orc Barbarian, age 15
  • Starnyit - Male Orc Beggar, age 34
  • Agrhmar - Female Human Merchant, age 37

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