Glóalin son of Thráis

Male Dwarven Noble

He is an elderly dwarf with blue eyes, balding silver hair, a full beard tied in a plat, and olive skin.

Personality Traits: Upbeat, Tense.

Alignment: lawful neutral.

He is a follower of Solos. (LN)

Born: 594 AC (Age 206)

Orientation: Bisexual

Home: Glóalin's Manor

Settlement: Brasspass (immigrated from Chalkdeep)

Spouse: Mahráin Sanders (Deceased)

Mother: Binóin Aleshoulder (Deceased)

Father: Thráis son of Glóalin (Deceased)



12 11 11 13 12 9
+1 +1 +1

10 14 11 25 ft.

Alignment: lawful neutral

Size: Medium

Senses: Darkvision


  • Unarmed Strike. Melee Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 2 bludgeoning damage.

Skills: Persuasion +2


  • Dwarven Resilience. Glóalin has advantage on saving throws against poison, and they have resistance against poison damage.

Spoken Languages: Dwarvish, Common


Quantity Value Item Rarity Description Weight
1 25 gp "The Giant Book of Giant Tales" (Illustrated) common By Mr. K'ryn

A collection of traditional fairy-tales with a giants theme, collected by Mr. K'ryn. The book makes the dubious claim the stories were collected from giants. Includes: "The crown that was a giant's ring", "The friendly giant", and "Fe-Fi-Fo-Fum". An expensive illustrated edition, with painted etchings.
5 lbs.
1 A matchbook common A matchbook containing 1 matches.
1 20 gp Holy Symbol (Solos) common A holy symbol in the shape of an icosahedron.
1 1,200 gp Magitech cyclopedia uncommon A remarkable clockwork book. Cycle the letter knobs to spell out the thing you are interested in, and an internal parchment scroll will be scrolled to the correct entry. The writing on the scroll is tiny, and must be read though the thick built-in magnifying lens. Unfortunately, the text itself has many omissions and contains much that is apocryphal, or at least wildly inaccurate.

The cyclopedia has an enchantment that moves the clockwork magically on command. If you say the command words "cyclopedia on," the device will be magically powered for 1 hour, or until you say "cyclopedia off." This property cannot be used again until after a long rest.
1 13 gp 8 sp 9 cp Money Pouch common Glóalin's money pouch. It has 12 gp, 16 sp and 29 cp in it. 1¼ lbs.
1 107 gp 5 sp Opal electrum gorget uncommon A heavy gorget made of electrum, studded with a medium opal.
1 103 gp 2 sp Pair of Amethyst encrusted shoulder clasps common An pair of elaborate silver shoulder clasps, with 8 small amethyst stones between them.
1 50 gp Platinum signet ring common A platinum band, shaped with flat section embossed with the son of thráis family crest.
1 100 gp Thin adamant ear ring common A thin hoop of adamant wire, worn as an earring.

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