Faithful Emeldin Amarweil Ulphy

Female Elven Cleric

She is an adult elf with brown eyes, long flowing black and grey streaked hair, and medium brown skin.

Personality Traits: Lost Faith, Greedy.

Alignment: chaotic good.

She is a follower of Caspio. (CG)

Born: 298 AC (Age 502)

Orientation: Hetrosexual

Home: Temple of Caspio

Settlement: Egoldor

Spouse: Orod Fingolorm Orama (Deceased)

Mother: Amarel Celebri Ulphy (Deceased)

Father: Orophiil Anthi Irithera (Deceased)




6 13 9 11 11 9
-2 +1

15 24 10 30 ft.

Alignment: chaotic good

Size: Medium

Senses: Darkvision


  • Unarmed Strike. Melee Attack: +1 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1 bludgeoning damage.

Skills: Perception +3, Religion +3, Persuasion +3


  • Fey Ancestry. Emeldin has advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can't put them to sleep.
  • Spellcasting. Emeldin Amarweil is a spellcaster. Her spellcasting ability is wis (spell save DC 11, +3 to hit with spell attacks).

Spells Known:

  • Cantrip (at will):
  • 1st-level (4 slots):
  • 2nd-level (2 slots):

Spoken Languages: Elvish, Common, Halfling (basic)


Quantity Value Item Description Weight
1 10 gp "Advanced Weaving" By Emeldida Eledhwen Pearson

A compilation of some very complex weaving patterns. To the layman, the techniques presented may as well be magical, and even an accomplished weaver may have difficulty with some of the patterns.
5 lbs.
1 5 gp "One bad time" By Inelas Dahastar

Not a particularly famous book, but a page-turner.
5 lbs.
1 4 gp Gold Ring A wedding ring. It's a simple gold band with "Orod Fingolorm" engraved on the inside.
1 Handkerchief A small square of cloth with Emeldin stitched in one corner.
2 2 gp Holy Symbol (Caspio) A holy symbol in the shape of a signpost.
1 Love Letter A love letter, written in Elvish, addressed to 'Emeldin', and signed by 'Orod'. It is rather formal.
1 5 gp Mirror, steel ½ lb.
1 16 gp 8 sp 9 cp Money Pouch Emeldin's money pouch. It has 14 gp, 28 sp and 9 cp in it. 1 lbs.
1 50 gp Scale Mail Medium armour. Base AC: 14 + Dex modifier (max 2). Gives disadvantage to stealth checks. 45 lbs.

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