Lilodth Cloldrik

Female Dragonborn Housekeeper

She is an adult dragonborn with amber eyes and green scales.

Personality Traits: Candid, Reckless, Pessimistic.

Alignment: chaotic good.

She is a follower of Caspio. (CG)

Born: 757 AC (Age 43)

Orientation: Hetrosexual

Home: Wheat Field

Settlement: Wulwunaxar

Mother: Raianssa Cloldrik (Deceased)

Father: Pandjedar Cloldrik


13 12 10 8 11 10
+1 +1 -1

11 4 9 30 ft.

Alignment: chaotic good

Size: Medium


  • Unarmed Strike. Melee Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 2 bludgeoning damage.

Skills: Athletics +3


  • Breath Weapon. As an action Lilodth exhales a 15 ft cone of poison. Each creature in the area must make a constitution save DC 10. On a failed save they take 2d6 poison damage, or half on a success. After this ability is used, it cannot be used again until after a long rest.
  • Damage Resistance. Lilodth has resistance to poison damage.

Spoken Languages: Draconic, Common


Quantity Value Item Description Weight
1 8 gp "A winter's day" (Dog-eared) By Peree Doolapup

A collection of poems on the subject of death and loss.

The book is a bit dog-eared, but in serviceable condition.
5 lbs.
2 10 gp "Beneath a blue sky" By Peree Doolapup

A collection of poems on the subject beauty.
5 lbs.
1 8 gp "I ne'er do that" (Annotated) By Peree Doolapup

A collection of love poems. The pages are covered with handwritten notes.
5 lbs.
1 10 gp "Spellships: 3 - The World of Tomorrow" By Gus Newman

A book in a magic-fiction series about boats that fly through the sky using advanced magic. In this book the heroes fly their spellship down to Ataland and we get to see what it looks like in the year 1000 A.C.
5 lbs.
1 A short pencil A short pencil.
1 5 gp Mirror, steel ½ lb.
1 1 gp 6 sp 3 cp Money Pouch Lilodth's money pouch. It has 14 sp and 23 cp in it. ¾ lb.
1 2 cp Soap
1 5 sp Tinderbox This small container holds flint, fire steel, and tinder (usually dry cloth soaked in light oil) used to kindle a fire. Using it to light a torch--or anything else with abundant, exposed fuel--takes an action. Lighting any other fire takes 1 minute. 1 lb.

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