Masota William

Female Human

She is an elderly human with hazel eyes, light-brown and grey streaked hair in a ponytail, and medium brown skin.

Personality Traits: Upbeat, Shy.

Alignment: chaotic good.

She is a follower of Gaia. (CN)

Born: 742 AC (Age 57)

Orientation: Hetrosexual

Home: Nicholaus' Quality Hatmakers

Settlement: Port Watgrave (immigrated from Wedneshurst)

Spouse: Nicholaus William (Deceased)

Mother: Philippa Keek (Deceased)

Father: Ernoldus Keek (Deceased)




6 11 10 8 12 11
-2 -1 +1

10 4 9 30 ft.

Alignment: chaotic good

Size: Medium


  • Unarmed Strike. Melee Attack: +0 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1 bludgeoning damage.

Skills: Performance +2

Spoken Languages: Common


Quantity Value Item Rarity Description Weight
1 15 gp "The missing jewel" (1st Edition) uncommon By Induilawen

Detective fiction. The fabulous jewel of an heiress is stolen. Famed elven watchwoman Celeel Clue must recover the gem, while untangling a chilling conspiracy. It is from the first print run.
5 lbs.
1 5 cp Dens (Gaming set) common 100 tiny wooden planks and a dozen marbles. Most of the planks have dents, and a few marbles are chipped.
Dens is a game where players build small structures using tiny wooden planks and then take turns trying to knock their opponent's "den" down with glass marbles. It originates from an otterfolk children's game.
6 lbs.
1 2 sp Gardening Trowel common A sturdy trowel for tending to flowers and plants in the garden.
1 4 gp Gold Ring common A wedding ring. It's a simple gold band with "Nicholaus" engraved on the inside.
1 2 gp 8 sp 9 cp Money Pouch common Masota's money pouch. It has 1 gp, 16 sp and 29 cp in it. ⅞ lb.
1 Pouch of rosemary common A small pouch containing dried rosemary. It has lost its potency.
1 1 gp 4 sp 7 cp Quartz tiara common A pewter tiara, with a small quartz inset.
1 50 gp Spellbook common Essential for wizards, a spellbook is a leather-bound tome with 100 blank vellum pages suitable for recording spells. 3 lbs.

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