Denise Higgins

Female Human Master Cobbler's Apprentice

She is an adolescent human with brown eyes, short dark-brown hair, and medium brown skin.

Personality Traits: Unperturbed, Optimistic, Evasive.

Alignment: neutral.

Born: 782 AC (Age 18)

Orientation: Hetrosexual

Home: Carver's Handcrafted Cobblers

Settlement: Port Grangehead

Mother: Jessey Higgins (Deceased)

Father: Julius Higgins



8 12 12 11 10 9
-1 +1 +1

11 7 10 30 ft.

Alignment: neutral

Size: Medium


  • Unarmed Strike. Melee Attack: +1 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1 bludgeoning damage.

Skills: Persuasion +2

Spoken Languages: Common


Quantity Value Item Rarity Description Weight
1 60 gp Crank-powered drome uncommon A 3-foot tall clockwork gnome. When powered, the gnome walks forwards while waving. The gnome's speed is 20 feet per round. The gnome can navigate simple obstacles, but if it reaches a wall it will stop.

The drome has a crank and is only powered while the crank is being turned.
1 Four-leaf clover common Some say that four-leaf clovers are a good luck charm.
1 5 sp 4 cp Money Pouch common Denise's money pouch. It has 3 sp and 24 cp in it. ½ lb.

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