Myrtlina Lightgirdle-Gardiffer

Female Halfling Barber

She is an elderly halfling with grey eyes, silver hair in a ponytail, and light brown skin.

Personality Traits: Personable, Serious.

Alignment: neutral good.

She is a follower of Marlon. (NG)

Born: 712 AC (Age 87)

Orientation: Hetrosexual

Home: Gardiffer-Baker's Discount Barbers

Settlement: Porroworth (immigrated from Gulasshire)

Spouse: Milcar Lightgirdle-Gardiffer (Deceased)

Mother: Eglannd Lightgirdle (Deceased)

Father: Dodelo Lightgirdle (Deceased)




9 13 8 12 11 12
+1 -1 +1 +1

11 5 11 25 ft.

Alignment: neutral good

Size: Small


  • Unarmed Strike. Melee Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1 bludgeoning damage.

Skills: Persuasion +3


  • Lucky. When Myrtlina rolls a 1 on the d20 for an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll.
  • Brave. Myrtlina has advantage on saving throws against being frightened.
  • Halfling Nimbleness. Myrtlina can move through the space of any creature that is of a size larger than small.

Spoken Languages: Halfling, Common


Quantity Value Item Description Weight
1 5 gp "Fast dream" By Alviva Burrel

Not a particularly famous book, yet thought provoking.
5 lbs.
1 10 gp "The Road" By Cissy Garner

The most popular tales of Caspio's adventures, packed with romance and danger, these stories have been passed down via Oral Tradition for generations, and now are collected together in print for the first time. A holy book for the devout.
5 lbs.
1 Empty bottle An empty bottle that once contained a beverage.
1 4 gp Gold Ring A wedding ring. It's a simple gold band with "Milcar" engraved on the inside.
1 2 gp Holy Symbol (Marlon) A holy symbol in the shape of open hands.
1 2 gp 5 sp 1 cp Money Pouch Myrtlina's money pouch. It has 24 sp and 11 cp in it. ¾ lb.
1 5 cp Scissors Fine bladed, sharp scissors. Ideal for precision work.

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