Marguerite Camphad

Female Human Dairy Farmer

She is an adult human with amber eyes (behind a pair of spectacles), long curly strawberry and grey streaked hair, and light pink skin.

Personality Traits: Pessimistic, Evasive, Daring.

Alignment: neutral.

She is a follower of Marlon. (NG)

Born: 756 AC (Age 44)

Orientation: Hetrosexual

Home: Dairy

Settlement: Liloxorarys (immigrated from Blackwick)

Spouse: Orfath Camphad

Mother: Amanda Buncepen (Deceased)

Father: Levi Buncepen (Deceased)




9 12 9 10 9 9

11 6 10 30 ft.

Alignment: neutral

Size: Medium


  • Sickle. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1d4 slashing damage.
  • Unarmed Strike. Melee Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1 bludgeoning damage.

Skills: Animal Handling +2, Nature +2

Spoken Languages: Common, Draconic (basic)


Quantity Value Item Description Weight
1 8 gp "A few bad apples" (Dog-eared) By Bofáin Taleforger

Fiction. An honest watchman is framed by corrupt fellow officers. While on the run, he must find proof of his innocence.

The book is a bit dog-eared, but in serviceable condition.
5 lbs.
1 5 gp "Another smart dog" By Mentinra Burke

Not a particularly famous book, yet quite compelling.
5 lbs.
1 10 gp "Let sleeping dragons lie" By Bofáin Taleforger

Fiction. An aging thief re-assembles his old crew for one last score: stealing a dragon's horde.
5 lbs.
1 5 gp "The rich beach" By Susie Flowers

Not a particularly famous book, but surprising to the end.
5 lbs.
1 Broken arrow A broken arrow, missing its tip.
1 4 sp Copper tiara A copper tiara.
1 4 gp Gold Ring A wedding ring. It's a simple gold band with "Orfath" engraved on the inside.
1 9 sp 9 cp Money Pouch Marguerite's money pouch. It has 9 sp and 9 cp in it. ⅜ lb.
1 1 gp Sickle A Simple Melee weapon. 1d4 slashing damage. Range: 5. Properties: Light, Monk 2 lbs.

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