Phebe Shane

Female Human

She is an elderly human with amber eyes, long flowing grey hair, and light pink skin.

Personality Traits: Candid, Tolerant.

Alignment: lawful evil.

She is a follower of Xor. (LE)

Born: 744 AC (Age 57)

Orientation: Hetrosexual

Home: Ray's Vintners Wine-Sellers

Settlement: Colywood

Spouse: Joseph Shane (Deceased)

Mother: Sophie Griswold (Deceased)

Father: Roland Griswold (Deceased)




9 10 10 10 9 8

10 4 10 30 ft.

Alignment: lawful evil

Size: Medium


  • Unarmed Strike. Melee Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1 bludgeoning damage.

Skills: History +2

Spoken Languages: Common


Quantity Value Item Description Weight
1 Boiled Sweets Homemade boiled sweets made from tomatoes. The juice was filtered, evaporated, caramelized, and allowed to harden. ¹⁄₁₆ lb.
1 5 sp Clothes, common 3 lbs.
1 6 cp Ginger A root traditionally used to treat achy muscles and stiff joints. Can be chewed or brewed in to a tea. ¹⁄₁₆ lb.
1 2 gp Holy Symbol (Xor) A holy symbol in the shape of crossed swords.
1 1 gp 1 sp 3 cp Money Pouch Phebe's money pouch. It has 1 gp, 1 sp and 3 cp in it. ⅛ lb.
2 Rusty nail A rusty old nail.

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