Magge Fulton

Female Tiefling Cobbler

She is an elderly tiefling with silver eyes, long flowing auburn and grey streaked hair, and light brown skin. She has large curled horns.

Personality Traits: Kind.

Alignment: neutral.

Born: 741 AC (Age 59)

Orientation: Bisexual

Home: Tutwow's Comfortable Cobblers

Settlement: Camp Tinkarr (immigrated from Wallsham)

Spouse: Luttkar Junior (Deceased)

Mother: Mabel Fulton (Deceased)

Father: Edward Fulton (Deceased)


9 8 7 10 10 13
-1 -1 +1

9 5 10 30 ft.

Alignment: neutral

Size: Medium

Senses: Darkvision


  • Unarmed Strike. Melee Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1 bludgeoning damage.

Skills: Persuasion +3


  • Hellish Resistance. Magge has resistance to fire damage.
  • Infernal Legacy. Magge knows the cantrip. Charisma is the spellcasting ability for this spell.

Spoken Languages: Common, Infernal


Quantity Value Item Description Weight
1 5 gp Cobbler's tools These special tools include the items needed to pursue a craft or trade. Proficiency with a set of artisan's tools lets you add your proficiency bonus to any ability checks you make using the tools in your craft. Each type of artisan's tools requires a separate proficiency. 5 lbs.
1 2 cp Flask or tankard 1 lb.
1 1 gp 3 sp 1 cp Money Pouch Magge's money pouch. It has 1 gp, 1 sp and 21 cp in it. ⁷⁄₁₆ lb.

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