Binun Goldcandle

Female Dwarven Housekeeper

She is an adult dwarf with amber eyes, auburn hair in a ponytail, a big bushy beard, and light pink skin.

Personality Traits: Unperturbed, Impatient.

Alignment: neutral good.

Born: 708 AC (Age 92)

Orientation: Hetrosexual

Home: Hilltop Vegetable Garden

Settlement: Marbleridge

Spouse: Narluin Goldcandle

Mother: Narrin Goldcandle

Father: Kiur Goldcandle (Deceased)



6 9 13 12 11 14
-2 +1 +1 +2

10 6 11 25 ft.

Alignment: neutral good

Size: Medium

Senses: Darkvision


  • Sickle. Melee Weapon Attack: +0 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1d4 slashing damage.
  • Unarmed Strike. Melee Attack: +0 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1 bludgeoning damage.

Skills: Perception +3


  • Dwarven Resilience. Binun has advantage on saving throws against poison, and they have resistance against poison damage.

Spoken Languages: Dwarvish, Common


Quantity Value Item Description Weight
1 8 gp "Practical Brewery Tips" (Dog-eared) By Webb Oldchest Korort Ebnint Cloudy Pandorane

A perfect guide for somebody who wants to brew their own booze. Beers, ciders and wines each have a dedicated chapter.

The book is a bit dog-eared, but in serviceable condition.
5 lbs.
1 4 sp Basket 2 lbs.
1 Four-leaf clover Some say that four-leaf clovers are a good luck charm.
1 1 gp 3 sp 2 cp Money Pouch Binun's money pouch. It has 1 gp, 2 sp and 12 cp in it. ⁵⁄₁₆ lb.
1 3 cp Mop A used mop, made of course strings of formally white yarn.
1 3 gp Ornate Lock An ornate lock with "Narluin" engraved on it. The dwarven equivalent of a wedding ring.
1 5 sp Rations (1 day) Rations consist of dry foods suitable for extended travel, including jerky, dried fruit, hardtack, and nuts. 2 lbs.
1 1 gp Sickle A Simple Melee weapon. 1d4 slashing damage. Range: 5. Properties: Light, Monk 2 lbs.
1 5 gp Signet ring

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