Salganeg Daeroor Rithy

Male Elven Noble

He is an adult elf with brown eyes, short black hair in a side parting, a clean shaven face, and medium brown skin.

Personality Traits: Personable.

Alignment: neutral good.

He is a follower of Marlon. (NG)

Born: 395 AC (Age 405)

Orientation: Hetrosexual

Home: Rithy's Manor

Settlement: Eldal Gildant

Spouse: Findda Rindisnel Stargyr

Mother: Nimrois Inuvieliel Lluthaal (Deceased)

Father: Maki Neth Rithy



Half-Siblings (Father's Side)


6 13 11 8 12 10
-2 +1 -1 +1

11 6 9 30 ft.

Alignment: neutral good

Size: Medium

Senses: Darkvision


  • Unarmed Strike. Melee Attack: +0 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1 bludgeoning damage.

Skills: Perception +1, Persuasion +2


  • Fey Ancestry. Salganeg has advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can't put them to sleep.

Spoken Languages: Elvish, Common


Quantity Value Item Rarity Description Weight
1 Child's drawing common A child's drawing of a horse.
1 4 gp Gold Ring common A wedding ring. It's a simple gold band with "Findda Rindisnel" engraved on the inside.
1 20 gp Holy Symbol (Marlon) common A holy symbol in the shape of open hands.
1 125 gp 2 sp 2 cp Jade tiara uncommon A pewter tiara, with a large jade inset.
1 16 gp 6 sp 4 cp Money Pouch common Salganeg's money pouch. It has 15 gp, 14 sp and 24 cp in it. 1 lbs.
1 60 gp Platinum necklace common A plain platinum necklace.
1 240 gp Steam calculator uncommon A mess of dials, levers and clock-faces. This device performs mathematical calculations with perfect accuracy. The device is capable of performing addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and root operations. Caution: dividing by zero can cause damage to the mechanism.

The calculator is powered by a small, yet noisy, steam engine that can be turned on and off at will. The engine can hold 1/4 of a pint of oil, which it consumes in 1 hour of operation. (See flask of oil in the SRD.)
1 Negotiable The heavy dice of soothing uncommon Two cubes made of bone, with mysterious markings on each face. Role the dice, if the symbols match, you regain 1d4 hit-points. This property cannot be used again until after a long rest. The dice feels unusually heavy, four times the weight of an average dice.

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