Ilcombe Guards
The following NPCs respond if there is trouble at this location.
Group #1
- Constable Hiram Ferritebrow-Brockgirdle of Alreshead - Watchman - Adult (30) ♂ Human
- Sargent Eilinal Hendrix-Sackgirdle of Alreshead - Watchwoman - Adult (34) ♀ Longfoot
- Constable Lillian Sialll - Watchwoman - Adult (23) ♀ Human
Group #2
- Trainee Officer Winston Woods-Digears of Alreshead - Watchman - Adult (20) ♂ Human
- Denethofin Sackgirdle of Alreshead - Paladin - Adult (61) ♂ Longfoot
- Cecilia Brockgirdle of Alreshead - Veteran Adventurer - Elder (51) ♀ Human
- Hergnorg Wallace Celebis Dáinrór of Radodinworth - Veteran Adventurer - Adult (102) ♀ Gnome
- Glóarvi Martin-Hornheaver of Alreshead - Paladin - Adult (45) ♂ Human
- Faithful Duilindor Wintethiawn-Pipehouse of Isengville - Cleric - Adult (91) ♂ Elfling
Group #3
- Constantine Ferritebrow-Brockgirdle - Traveling Bard - Adult (23) ♂ Human
- Ecthedor Mistwinter - Pirate - Adult (149) ♂ Elf
- Ingolfinir Platinumpush - Able Seaman - Adult (148) ♂ Half-Elf
- Faithful Mithhil Lardroro - Cleric - Adult (367) ♂ Elf
- Heelee Curry - Master Carpenter - Adult (35) ♂ Human
Group #4
- Rindeen Ridnang - Master Gun-smith's Apprentice - Adolescent (84) ♀ Elf
- Beleil Darkhammer - Tavern Keeper - Adult (357) ♂ Elf
- Noel Foley - Master Smith - Adult (101) ♂ Half-Elf
- Adela Gamgins-Robins - Farmer - Adult (44) ♀ Human
- Michael Martin-Hornheaver - Potato Farmer - Adult (49) ♂ Human
- David Gamiffer of Port Corbrough - Carpenter - Adult (35) ♂ Human
Group #5
- Egalmotth Aloev - Tavern Keeper's Apprentice - Adolescent (20) ♂ Elf
- Amrotor Mistwinter - Gun-smith - Adult (130) ♂ Elf
- Maegalmlor Darkhammer - Bar Keeper - Adult (314) ♂ Elf
- Novice Muluna Tailor-Staples - Cleric - Adult (29) ♀ Human
- Patron Elwian Nickelminer of Port Workinghaven - Cleric - Adult (401) ♀ Elf
- Wowtill Lardroro - Tavern Keeper's Apprentice - Adolescent (82) ♂ Elf
- Elenas Iliath - Gun-smith - Adult (201) ♀ Elf
- Annada Rockanvil - Tavern Keeper's Apprentice - Adolescent (98) ♀ Elf
- Tinuvas Whimman of Brownbourne - Navigator - Adult (124) ♀ Elf
- Rachel Tlanhyl-Leach of Brownbourne - Master Gun-smith - Adult (194) ♀ Elf
Group #6
- Novice Nigond Haladowworr of Brownbourne - Cleric - Adult (217) ♂ Elf
- Levi Barker-Rees - Weapon-smith - Adult (27) ♂ Human
- Mangkand Rees-Underburrow of Alreshead - Veteran Adventurer - Adult (39) ♀ Longfoot
- Olwen Gamgins-Robins - Potato Farmer - Adult (48) ♀ Human
- Faithful Galadmil Nightle-Elornrym of Port Workinghaven - Cleric - Adult (367) ♂ Elf
- Cissie Chethead-Whimward - Master Weapon-smith - Adult (25) ♀ Human
Group #7
- Wallace Curry - Carpenter - Adult (31) ♂ Human
- Cosimoduc Foley of Alreshead - Butcher - Adult (43) ♂ Human
- Heyekin Barker-Rees - Farmer - Adult (46) ♂ Human
- Dinah Chethead-Whimward - Farm Hand - Elder (53) ♀ Human