Lichwood Guards
The following NPCs respond if there is trouble at this location.
Group #1
- Gwen Willson - Hunter - Elder (58) ♀ Human
- Sargent Beulah Gould - Watchwoman - Adult (26) ♀ Human
Group #2
- Trainee Officer Linda Gould the 2nd - Watchwoman - Adult (26) ♀ Human
- Constable Donald Hudeler - Watchman - Adult (29) ♂ Human
- Constable Willie Bray the 2nd - Watchman - Adult (32) ♂ Human
- Frank Gould - Butcher - Adult (26) ♂ Human
- Isaac Holmes - Potato Farmer - Adult (33) ♂ Human
Group #3
- Galefridus Bray the 2nd - Farm Hand - Adult (25) ♂ Human
- Birdie Bray - Farmer - Adult (34) ♀ Human
- Petronilla Ward - Poacher - Adult (22) ♀ Human
Group #4
- Rupert Bray - Potato Farmer - Adult (36) ♂ Human
- Honor Bray - Farm Hand - Elder (62) ♀ Human
- Tom Hudeler - Farm Hand - Adult (21) ♂ Human
- Estelle Gould - Farm Hand - Elder (52) ♀ Human
- Susannah Gould - Bar Keeper - Adult (43) ♀ Human
Group #5
- Eddie Bray - Farm Hand - Adult (46) ♂ Human
- Randulfus Gould the 2nd - Farm Hand - Adult (47) ♂ Human
- Herewardus Holmes - Farmer - Adult (38) ♂ Human
- Joel Copperchest - Master Carpenter - Adult (173) ♂ Dwarf
- Otis Gould - Farmer - Adult (39) ♂ Human
- Marjorie Gould - Tavern Keeper's Apprentice - Adolescent (18) ♀ Human
- Stephanus Gould - Tavern Keeper - Adult (44) ♂ Human
- Georgiana Ward - Farmer - Adult (48) ♀ Human
- Aylewynus Willson - Farmer - Adult (31) ♂ Human
- George Willson - Master Carpenter's Apprentice - Adolescent (13) ♂ Human
Group #6
- Walkelin Bray - Farmer - Elder (55) ♂ Human
- Sally Bronzeeyes - Dairy Farmer - Adult (195) ♀ Dwarf
- Louis Hudeler - Farmer - Adult (44) ♂ Human
- Albin Willson - Tavern Keeper - Elder (62) ♂ Human
- Gilebertus Bray - Farm Hand - Adult (21) ♂ Human
Group #7
- Roy Hudeler - Tavern Keeper's Apprentice - Adolescent (12) ♂ Human
- Ioco Hudeler - Farmer - Adult (23) ♂ Human
- Herbert Gould - Carpenter - Adult (43) ♂ Human
- Bartholomew Hudeler - Master Carpenter - Elder (56) ♂ Human
- Sean Gould - Farmer - Elder (64) ♂ Human
- Herbert Gould - Farmer - Adult (32) ♂ Human
- Lois Gould - Potato Farmer - Adult (49) ♀ Human
- Johnson Gould - Farm Hand - Elder (56) ♂ Human
- Floyd Gould - Farmer - Adult (37) ♂ Human
Group #8
- Marvin Gould the 3rd - Tavern Keeper's Apprentice - Adolescent (13) ♂ Human
- Gwenllian Gould - Farmer - Adult (41) ♀ Human
- Baden Willson - Farm Hand - Adult (38) ♂ Human
- Faithful Bertram Gould the 2nd - Cleric - Elder (57) ♂ Human
- Edwin Gould the 2nd - Master Carpenter's Apprentice - Adolescent (12) ♂ Human
Group #9
- Edwin Gould the 2nd - Farm Hand - Adult (44) ♂ Human
- John Holmes the 2nd - Farmer - Adult (43) ♂ Tiefling
- Amy Gould - Potato Farmer - Adult (43) ♀ Human
Group #10
- Novice Ellenor Gould - Cleric - Adult (28) ♀ Human
- Constancia Willson - Potato Farmer - Adult (30) ♀ Human
- Gabriel Gould - Potato Farmer - Adult (35) ♂ Human
- Magge Hudeler - Farmer - Adult (49) ♀ Human
- Matillis Gould - Farmer - Elder (61) ♀ Human
- Faithful Josephine Gould - Cleric - Adult (29) ♀ Human
- Ena Gould - Farmer - Adult (32) ♀ Human
- Muriel Ward - Farm Hand - Adult (36) ♀ Human
- Patron Cornelia Gould - Cleric - Adult (30) ♀ Human
- Ellis Gould - Farmer - Adult (22) ♂ Human