Haslewick Guards
The following NPCs respond if there is trouble at this location.
Group #1
- Winnie Flinn - Farmer - Adult (21) ♀ Human
- Iohannes Carney - Potato Farmer - Adult (45) ♂ Human
Group #2
- Marigld Colby of Olphby - Potato Farmer - Adult (38) ♀ Human
- Bessey Colby - Potato Farmer - Adult (26) ♀ Human
- Alma Parker - Potato Farmer - Adult (41) ♀ Human
- Phillip Colby - Potato Farmer - Adult (37) ♂ Human
Group #3
- Amelia Colby - Farmer - Elder (61) ♀ Human
- Eldidir of Indeir - Farm Hand - Adult (442) ♀ Elf
- Sara Rees of Ashworth - Potato Farmer - Adult (24) ♀ Human
- Griffith Rees - Potato Farmer - Adult (20) ♂ Human
- Martin Sanford - Vegetable Farmer - Adult (49) ♂ Human
- Orqirotull Karreb Diggerhole of Oldpickworth - Farmer - Adult (151) ♀ Gnome
Group #4
- Hunfridus Bartlett of Ashworth - Potato Farmer - Adult (34) ♂ Human
- Sandrogers Newwort Bankblower Zorfrassh of Parturn's Rest - Poacher - Adult (128) ♀ Gnome
- Altbet Rwenel Walters Ginara of Oldpickworth - Farm Hand - Adult (25) ♀ Gnome
- Serinduileth of Thieen - Farm Hand - Adult (351) ♀ Elf
- Colin Flinn - Farmer - Elder (61) ♂ Human
- Jonathan Colby - Potato Farmer - Adult (28) ♂ Human