Oralinax Guards
The following NPCs respond if there is trouble at this location.
Group #1
- Ildroinn Kirerith - Hunter - Adult (47) ♂ Dragonborn
- Drazavur Kirerith - Hunter - Adult (55) ♂ Dragonborn
- Celegormlmo Galadhon Ellynarr of Eldal Gildant - Bandit - Adult (404) ♂ Elf
Group #2
- Kilzhen Gamtictol-Kirerith - Vegetable Farmer - Adult (54) ♂ Dragonborn
- Zofthibhyl Kirerith - Farmer - Adult (46) ♀ Dragonborn
- Belbithar Kirerith - Farmer - Adult (35) ♀ Dragonborn
- Ivy Kirerith of Stretwell - Vegetable Farmer - Adult (36) ♀ Human
Group #3
- Serineth Stonepick of Rindath - Potato Farmer - Adult (186) ♀ Elf
- Nauurin Stonepick of Leadgully - Potato Farmer - Adult (189) ♂ Dwarf
- Bhahaorn Kirerith-Gamtictol - Farmer - Adult (28) ♂ Dragonborn
- Thrundin Stonepick - Potato Farmer - Adult (151) ♂ Dwarf
- Allen Gamtictol of Kildown - Farmer - Elder (52) ♂ Human
- Zorfra Gamtictol - Farmer - Adult (20) ♂ Dragonborn
- Cacysre Kirerith - Farmer - Adult (27) ♀ Dragonborn
Group #4
- Xywophyeri Kirerith - Vegetable Farmer - Adult (27) ♀ Dragonborn
- Neslaun Kirerith - Farmer - Adult (44) ♂ Dragonborn
- Ildrothris Stonepick - Potato Farmer - Adult (137) ♂ Dwarf
- Nesmnn Kirerith - Potato Farmer - Adult (32) ♂ Dragonborn
- Zofthibraann Gamtictol - Farmer - Adult (44) ♀ Dragonborn
- Rupert Gamtictol of Stretwell - Farmer - Adult (27) ♂ Human
- Belbithar Gamtictol - Farmer - Adult (34) ♀ Dragonborn
Group #5
- Cacyre Gamtictol - Dairy Farmer - Adult (18) ♀ Dragonborn
- Glermgloor Gamtictol (born Kirerith-Gamtictol) - Farmer - Adult (49) ♀ Dragonborn
- Thavilainn Kirerith (born Gamtictol-Kirerith) - Potato Farmer - Elder (60) ♀ Dragonborn
- Kibuith son of Náundin of Leadgully - Farm Hand - Adult (105) ♂ Dwarf
- Patriull Kirerith - Farmer - Adult (17) ♂ Dragonborn
- Wrawoar Gamtictol-Kirerith - Vegetable Farmer - Adult (56) ♀ Dragonborn
- Zofshara Gamtictol - Dairy Farmer - Adult (52) ♀ Dragonborn
- Hetri Gamtictol-Steelpick - Farmer - Adult (229) ♂ Dwelf
- Quilthibrava Kirerith - Farmer - Adult (40) ♀ Dragonborn
Group #6
- Durbarumash Steelpick - Farmer - Adult (216) ♂ Dwelf
- Nimlodis Celenwdel Moonfloren of Rindath - Poacher - Adult (288) ♀ Elf