Port Largcamworth Guards
The following NPCs respond if there is trouble at this location.
Group #1
- Therystkax Septimus Ironseeker Darlar - Hunter - Adult (116) ♀ Gnome
- Mornvyn Calvin Rumblenose Manning - Hunter - Adult (121) ♀ Gnome
- Belinse Oakgirdle-Hobbs of Valdshire - Farm Hand - Elder (89) ♀ Halfling
Group #2
- Urwenin Morrow the Second of Kitsbain - Hunter - Adult (274) ♀ Elf
- Galadrieldal Hobbs Yittut Morrow of Valdshire - Hunter - Adult (220) ♀ Elf
- Angel Manning Roger of Longham - Hunter - Adult (59) ♀ Halfling
- Osegod Frederick of Port Horngate - Poacher - Adult (46) ♂ Human
Group #3
- Lichuutan Weedhanger Sherwood Manning Pewterpush - Hunter - Adult (113) ♂ Gnome