Arrocton Guards
The following NPCs respond if there is trouble at this location.
Group #1
- Lilly Delong the 2nd - Adventurer - Adult (21) ♀ Human
- Millie Flowers - Potato Farmer - Adult (49) ♀ Human
- Eddie Weston - Hunter - Adult (25) ♂ Human
- Willie Elder - Hunter - Adult (34) ♀ Human
Group #2
- Lluluma Weston of Rochesden - Hunter - Adult (28) ♀ Otterfolk
- Shadrach Dawe-Weston - Farm Hand - Adult (20) ♂ Human
- Aylewynus Weston - Potato Farmer - Adult (42) ♂ Human
- Faithful Valentine Elder of Port Crawridge - Cleric - Elder (67) ♂ Human
Group #3
- Rosannah Roach of Farsburn - Farm Hand - Elder (53) ♀ Human
- Faithful Gwendolen Weston - Cleric - Elder (58) ♀ Human
- Olivia Joiner - Potato Farmer - Elder (54) ♀ Human
- Ollie Weston - Vegetable Farmer - Adult (33) ♂ Human
- Celebis Faerondaedur of Gloron - Traveling Bard - Adult (230) ♀ Elf
Group #4
- Warinus Flowers of Farsburn - Potato Farmer - Elder (50) ♂ Human
- Milot Joiner - Potato Farmer - Adult (22) ♂ Human
- Blangar Flowers - Potato Farmer - Adult (38) ♂ Human
Group #5
- Ezra Delong - Farmer - Elder (51) ♂ Human
- Novice Curtis Doty of Mexhurst - Cleric - Adult (37) ♂ Human
- Stella Weston of Mexhurst - Poacher - Adult (31) ♀ Longfoot
- Charlie Delong of Farsburn - Farmer - Adult (40) ♂ Human
- Redvers Decker - Farmer - Adult (46) ♂ Human
- Delia Weston - Farmer - Elder (57) ♀ Human
- Myrtle Elder of Farsburn - Farm Hand - Adult (21) ♀ Human
- Gwendolen Flowers of Mexhurst (born Joiner-Flowers) - Potato Farmer - Adult (26) ♀ Human
- Luther Dawe-Weston - Farmer - Elder (54) ♂ Human
Group #6
- Hiram Roach - Potato Farmer - Adult (37) ♂ Human
- Ruth Weston - Farmer - Adult (46) ♀ Human
- Marmand Flowers the 2nd - Potato Farmer - Adult (30) ♂ Human
- Alicia Buttonears - Farmer - Adult (29) ♀ Human
- Arigoldne Joiner of Farsburn - Potato Farmer - Adult (24) ♀ Human
- Katie Delong - Farmer - Adult (30) ♀ Human
- Isumbrargo Charles-Weston of Brutushire - Farmer - Adult (34) ♂ Human
- Louisa Weston - Farm Hand - Adult (44) ♀ Human
Group #7
- Victoria Delong - Farmer - Adult (49) ♀ Human
- Jessie Weston - Vegetable Farmer - Adult (38) ♀ Human
- Obadiah Flowers - Farmer - Adult (35) ♂ Human
- Emmett Hutchins the 2nd - Farm Hand - Elder (50) ♂ Human
- Gregory Flowers - Potato Farmer - Adult (35) ♂ Human
- Catharine Dawe-Weston of Port Crawridge - Farmer - Adult (48) ♀ Human
- Petrus Hutchins - Vegetable Farmer - Adult (49) ♂ Human
Group #8
- Olive Doty - Potato Farmer - Adult (43) ♀ Human
- Patron Eilinde Serindisiel Sicadil of Val Vanndir - Cleric - Adult (208) ♀ Elf