Gildorm Guards
The following NPCs respond if there is trouble at this location.
Group #1
- Elegoer Hyshaer of Keoveaer - Ranger - Adult (407) ♂ Elf
- Magloeg Ellas Tornglorbow - Traveling Bard - Adult (124) ♂ Elf
- Amarnna Serindaldir Tsornyil - Potato Farmer - Adult (412) ♀ Elf
Group #2
- Fingood Irimir Elassihyl - Tavern Keeper - Adult (332) ♂ Elf
- Magloror Hari - Potato Farmer - Adult (481) ♂ Elf
- Celebrindis Vardada Ibryii of Keoveaer - Farmer - Adult (212) ♀ Elf
- Mithas Maki Windstaril - Farmer - Adult (381) ♂ Elf
- Dárin daughter of Iblráin of Chromedeep - Bar Keeper - Adult (193) ♀ Dwarf
Group #3
- Finarfion Ganton Tornglorbow - Potato Farmer - Adult (135) ♂ Elf
- Nimlil Indath Littletongs - Farmer - Adult (435) ♀ Elf
- Aredaith Calauteth - Tavern Keeper's Apprentice - Adolescent (19) ♀ Elf
- Tinuviril Eiliir Orbrystaar - Vegetable Farmer - Adult (196) ♀ Elf
- Morwoth Celebda Tsornyil - Potato Farmer - Adult (243) ♀ Elf
- Gwindlin Tessiine - Tavern Keeper's Apprentice - Adolescent (37) ♂ Elf
- Celegolasorn Orophoth Shgroosk - Vegetable Farmer - Adult (204) ♂ Elf
- Faithful Finwin Inarfrod Tarsral of Keoveaer - Cleric - Adult (167) ♂ Elf
Group #4
- Elebrina Aethen - Bar Keeper - Adult (437) ♀ Elf
- Amarioth Tinuvielnna Sinataral - Farmer - Adult (464) ♀ Elf
- Fingoloel Orodrhil Ralytnae - Farmer - Adult (249) ♂ Elf
- Egnodis Gloreth Hyshaer of Keoveaer - Potato Farmer - Adult (176) ♂ Elf
- Imborrod Amth - Vegetable Farmer - Adult (127) ♂ Elf
- Novice Daeroor Indoon Iliathorde - Cleric - Adult (116) ♂ Elf
Group #5
- Fingoan Ingwiood Windstaril - Vegetable Farmer - Elder (550) ♂ Elf
- Findeel Tornglorbow - Potato Farmer - Adult (390) ♂ Elf
- Eilindiiel Tinuvri Elondarlen - Gardener - Adult (213) ♀ Elf
- Ecthtor Findiin Windstaril - Vegetable Farmer - Adult (230) ♂ Elf
- Celedir Serindeal Strae - Farmer - Adult (213) ♀ Elf
- Patron Inelde Serinduiari Neve of Keoveaer - Cleric - Adult (420) ♀ Elf
- Anthon Shgroosk - Vegetable Farmer - Adult (333) ♂ Elf
Group #6
- Faithful Peng Amrodon Kevanra of Keoveaer - Cleric - Adult (383) ♂ Elf
- Novice Findis Anduon Beretir of Keoveaer - Cleric - Adult (125) ♂ Elf