Wheat Field

19 year old Human construction, small sized

Location: Whittingdown

Owned by: Ellis Tovy

A small half-timbered house. A slender black and white cat eyes visitors nervously. It's nametag says "Avilina." A small wheat field is nearby.


Name Role Age Gender Race Description
Ellis Tovy Farmer 50 Male Human He is an elderly human with green eyes (behind a pair of spectacles), short curly blond and grey streaked hair, a clean shaven face, and pale white skin.
Marida Tovy Housekeeper 42 Female Human She is an adult human with amber eyes, long dark-brown hair tied back in a knot, and medium brown skin.
Susannah Tovy 9 Female Human She is a human child with amber eyes, shoulder-length strawberry hair, and pale white skin.

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