Vegetable Garden

129 year old Human construction, medium sized

Location: Hoygate

Owned by: Gervase Cooper the 2nd

A 7th Century brick house with an silver door. Thick dust covers many of the rarely touched surfaces. The vegetable garden is known for its yield of premium vegetables like eggplants, okra, and squashes.


Name Role Age Gender Race Description
Gervase Cooper Housekeeper 38 Male Human He is an adult human with hazel eyes (the left of which is glass), a bald head, a goatee, and medium brown skin.
Gervase Cooper the 2nd Vegetable Farmer 44 Male Human He is an adult human with brown eyes, very short dyed blond hair, a clean shaven face, and medium brown skin.
Kitty Cooper Housekeeper 45 Female Human She is an adult human with hazel eyes (the right of which is glass), long curly brown hair, and medium brown skin.
Loretta Mott Vegetable Farmer 20 Female Human She is an adult human with blue eyes, long tied back blond hair, and pale white skin.
Noel Cooper 10 Male Human He is a human child with amber eyes, short black hair in a side parting, and medium brown skin.
Otto Mott Vegetable Farmer 25 Male Human He is an adult human with amber eyes, a shaved head, stubble, and medium brown skin.
Ruth Cooper the 2nd 3 Female Human She is a human child with blue eyes, scruffy blond hair, and pale white skin.

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