Guillelmus' Furriers

280 year old Human construction, medium sized

Location: City of Abingend

Owned by: Guillelmus Canfield

The wooden beams on this 6th Century home are painted red. A statue of the deity Solina stands outside. Animal hides hang on tenter hooks undercover of thatched awning. A barrel of salt stands open with large scraping tool lent against it.


Name Role Age Gender Race Description
Amelia Huffman Furrier's Apprentice 13 Female Human She is an adolescent human with green eyes, long dyed red hair tied back in a knot, and light brown skin.
Aylofa Canfield 10 Female Human She is a human child with green eyes, shoulder-length light-brown hair, and light pink skin.
Drootu Huffman Junior Furrier 22 Female Human She is an adult human with amber eyes, dyed dark-brown hair in a pigtails, and medium brown skin.
Everett Huffman Junior Furrier 20 Male Human He is an adult human with grey eyes, short auburn hair, a clean shaven face, and light brown skin.
Guillelmus Canfield Furrier 53 Male Human He is an elderly human with amber eyes, thin scruffy silver hair, a soulpatch, and medium brown skin.
Mabil Canfield Housekeeper 46 Female Human She is an adult human with green eyes, long curly dyed brown hair, and light pink skin.
Marion Logan Furrier's Apprentice 13 Female Human She is an adolescent human with brown eyes, dark-brown hair in a ponytail, and medium brown skin.
Philippa Canfield Housekeeper 45 Female Human She is an adult human with grey eyes, scruffy dyed strawberry hair, and olive skin.
Rupert Canfield the 2nd Housekeeper 22 Male Human He is an adult human with amber eyes, a dyed brown quiff, a moustache, and medium brown skin.
Rupert Canfield the 2nd Housekeeper 19 Male Human He is an adult human with brown eyes, very short dark-brown hair, stubble, and medium brown skin.
Tinuviiel Nimlowen Tarsisar Furrier's Apprentice 50 Female Elf She is an adolescent elf with brown eyes, long black hair with a fringe cut, and medium brown skin.
Wesley Canfield 52 Male Human He is an elderly human with amber eyes, balding dark-brown hair, a full beard, and medium brown skin.

Family Tree

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