Rhululapup's Craft Beer-Sellers

158 year old Otterfolk construction, small sized

Location: Port Modden

Owned by: Shreen Rhululapup

Located away from the water line, this small Den shares it's access to the water with other families. The dwelling also serves as a Beer-Sellers.


Name Role Age Gender Race Description
Deyer Heelipup Housekeeper 29 Male Otterfolk He is an adult otterfolk with grey eyes and medium brown fur with white stripes.
Droop Ploorepup 4 Female Otterfolk She is an otterfolk child with grey eyes and medium brown fur with white fur on their face and chest.
Flean Shreenpup Housekeeper 27 Female Otterfolk She is an adult otterfolk with grey eyes and medium brown fur with light brown fur on their face and chest.
Fleyey Frulunpup Merchant's Apprentice 11 Female Otterfolk She is an adolescent otterfolk with grey eyes and white fur with light brown stripes.
Jeema Shreenpup Housekeeper 18 Female Otterfolk She is an adult otterfolk with black eyes and medium brown fur with dark brown spots.
Khietee Whulurepup Merchant 17 Female Otterfolk She is an adult otterfolk with grey eyes and medium brown fur with grey stripes.
Kooreep Ploorepup 4 Male Otterfolk He is an otterfolk child with grey eyes and medium brown fur with white fur on their face and chest.
Meay Shreenpup Housekeeper 24 Female Otterfolk She is an adult otterfolk with black eyes and medium brown fur with light brown fur on their tail.
Ploolee Merchant 36 Male Otterfolk He is an adult otterfolk with black eyes and dark brown fur with brown fur on their tail.
Ploore Shreenpup Merchant 29 Female Otterfolk She is an adult otterfolk with grey eyes and medium brown fur with dark brown fur on their face and chest.
Prey Ploorepup 4 Female Otterfolk She is an otterfolk child with grey eyes and medium brown fur with dark brown fur on their face.
Shreen Rhululapup Merchant 45 Female Otterfolk She is an elderly otterfolk with grey eyes and medium brown fur with white fur on their face and chest.
Sooma Shreenpup Merchant 17 Female Otterfolk She is an adult otterfolk with grey eyes and medium brown fur with white fur on their face and chest.
Theerup Shreenpup Housekeeper 26 Male Otterfolk He is an adult otterfolk with grey eyes and dark brown fur with white fur on their face and chest.
Thiena Heypup Merchant 20 Female Otterfolk She is an adult otterfolk with grey eyes and grey fur with light brown stripes.
Thoorit Shreenpup Housekeeper 17 Male Otterfolk He is an adult otterfolk with black eyes and medium brown fur with white spots.
Threerup Shenapup Merchant's Apprentice 10 Male Otterfolk He is an adolescent otterfolk with grey eyes and grey fur with light brown fur on their feet.
Throokin Shreenpup Merchant 19 Male Otterfolk He is an adult otterfolk with black eyes and medium brown fur with white fur on their tail.
Thrulukin Merchant 47 Male Otterfolk He is an elderly otterfolk with black eyes and medium brown fur with white spots.
Thrulukin Ploorepup 2 Male Otterfolk He is an otterfolk child with grey eyes and medium brown fur with dark brown stripes.

Family Tree

Items for sale

⟳ Re-roll shop stock.

At this location, items are priced between 90% and 99% of their base value.

Available Price Value Item Description Weight
11 2 gp 9 sp 3 gp Ale (Barrel) A barrel of bog standard ale. Just over 15 gallons. 150 lbs.
1 4 cp 4 cp Ale (Mug) Bog standard ale.
7 4 gp 2 sp 4 gp 5 sp Pale Ale (Mug) A barrel of light and pleasant pale-ale, brewed to a 158 year old recipe. Just over 15 gallons. 150 lbs.
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