Purdy's Quality Copyists

51 year old Human construction, small sized

Location: Arnorworth

Owned by: Richeman Purdy

The window frames on this half-timbered cottage has been painted yellow. A painting of Humans hang on the wall. The dwelling also serves as a Copyists.


Name Role Age Gender Race Description
Bessey Purdy Housekeeper 19 Female Human She is an adult human with grey eyes, long flowing strawberry hair, and light brown skin.
Ernaldus Guthrie the 3rd Master Scribe's Apprentice 15 Male Human He is an adolescent human with amber eyes, long curly dark-brown hair, and medium brown skin.
Gunnore Purdy 0 Female Human She is an infant human with amber eyes, wisps of auburn hair, and olive skin.
Katerina Purdy Scribe 26 Female Human She is an adult human with brown eyes, long black hair with a fringe cut, and dark brown skin.
Lou Purdy Housekeeper 31 Female Human She is an adult human with hazel eyes, dark-brown hair in a ponytail, and medium brown skin.
Richeman Purdy Master Scribe 22 Male Human He is an adult human with amber eyes, short strawberry hair, a long beard, and olive skin.
Simon Purdy Scribe 47 Male Human He is an adult human with grey eyes, scruffy strawberry hair, a clean shaven face, and olive skin.
Wymerus Kline the 2nd Housekeeper 38 Male Human He is an adult human with green eyes (the right of which is glass), long curly light-brown hair, bushy sideburns, and light brown skin.

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