Potato Field

183 year old Dragonborn construction, small sized

Location: Yorkaxax

Owned by: Clarice Pekkarrhan

A small brick house with a slate tile roof. A slender ginger cat eyes visitors nervously. It's nametag says "Lucky." The potato field is surrounded by a small hedge to protect the plants from wild animals.


Name Role Age Gender Race Description
Clarice Pekkarrhan Potato Farmer 43 Female Dragonborn She is an adult dragonborn with hazel eyes and green scales.
Finwod Pekkarrhan Housekeeper 59 Male Elf He is an adolescent elf with brown eyes, short dark-brown hair, and medium brown skin.
Thiennel Pekkarrhan Housekeeper 154 Female Elf She is an adult elf with brown eyes, brown hair in a plait, and medium brown skin.

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