
454 year old Dragonborn construction, large sized

Location: Drazavur

Owned by: Ysac Dilrites

The wooden beams on this 4th Century home are painted indigo. A large orchard is nearby.


Name Role Age Gender Race Description
Belbithhyl Dilrites Housekeeper 10 Female Dragonborn She is an adolescent dragonborn with grey eyes and green scales.
Berylra Dilrites Orchardist 54 Female Tiefling She is an elderly tiefling with white eyes, very short strawberry hair, and crimson skin. She has large curved horns.
Drysshaeri Dilrites Orchardist 36 Female Dragonborn She is an adult dragonborn with hazel eyes and blue scales.
Erfra Dilrites 7 Male Dragonborn He is a dragonborn child with blue eyes and green scales.
Erthiiel Worley-Dilrites Housekeeper 43 Female Dragonborn She is an adult dragonborn with brown eyes and green scales.
Jovyrnn Worley-Dilrites 7 Female Dragonborn She is a dragonborn child with grey eyes and green scales.
Margaret Tumarun Orchardist 33 Female Dragonborn She is an adult dragonborn with amber eyes and green scales.
Sulpraxkan Dilrites Housekeeper 12 Male Dragonborn He is an adolescent dragonborn with green eyes and green scales.
Thavarra Dilrites Housekeeper 14 Female Dragonborn She is an adolescent dragonborn with grey eyes and green scales.
Yorkrn Dilrites Orchardist 38 Male Dragonborn He is an adult dragonborn with grey eyes and green scales.
Ysac Dilrites Orchardist 64 Male Dragonborn He is an elderly dragonborn with brown eyes and blue scales.

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