Goat Field

75 year old Orc construction, medium sized

Location: Camp Karpit

Owned by: Pitmorg

A wooden hut. A feral-looking brown and tan dog guards the entrance. The building is situated on a pasture. A herd of goats browse on the shrubs.


Name Role Age Gender Race Description
Betgeet Housekeeper 9 Male Orc He is an adolescent orc with grey eyes, a brown quiff, and medium green skin.
Camforg Housekeeper 33 Female Orc She is an adult orc with grey eyes, dyed brown hair in a ponytail, and medium green skin.
Didtin 5 Female Orc She is an orc child with grey eyes, very short red hair, and grey skin.
Doreb Housekeeper 25 Female Orc She is an adult orc with grey eyes, black hair in a bun, and black skin.
Korkand Junior Housekeeper 31 Male Orc He is an adult orc with grey eyes, short blond hair, stubble, and chalky white skin.
Lieutenant Tavstup Guard 27 Male Orc He is an adult orc with black eyes, scruffy red hair, bushy sideburns, and grey skin.
Nintkim 6 Female Orc She is an orc child with grey eyes, long curly brown hair, and medium green skin.
Norgforg Housekeeper 9 Female Orc She is an adolescent orc with grey eyes, red hair in a ponytail, and grey skin.
Pitmorg Goatherd 39 Male Orc He is an elderly orc with one grey eye (his right is closed and scarred), grey hair in a bun, a full beard tied in a plat, and medium green skin.
Tinpar Junior 6 Male Orc He is an orc child with black eyes, a auburn quiff, and medium green skin.
Worherg 7 Male Orc He is an orc child with grey eyes, short auburn hair in a side parting, and medium green skin.

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