Pig Field

23 year old Orc construction, small sized

Location: Volreg Mar

Owned by: Kandreg Junior

A small hut constructed of flint and lime. The building is situated beside a small copse. Pigs rummage all around the grounds.


Name Role Age Gender Race Description
Hantcam Housekeeper 14 Male Orc He is an adult orc with one grey eye (his right is covered by an eye-patch), black hair in a bun, a clean shaven face, and medium green skin.
Kandreg Junior Pigwoman 21 Female Orc She is an adult orc with one grey eye (her right is covered by an eye-patch), light-brown and grey streaked hair in a pigtails, and grey skin.
Toncam Junior 1 Male Orc He is an infant orc with grey eyes, wisps of black hair, and medium green skin.

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