Hilltop Barley Field

791 year old Dwarf construction, medium sized

Location: Coalpass

Owned by: Naugorn Bronzecandle

A stone walled house with a slate roof. A frame on the wall contains a prayer used by Solina's Faithful. The hilltop barley field is known for its yield of premium barley.


Name Role Age Gender Race Description
Bifarin Bronzecandle 237 Female Dwarf She is an elderly dwarf with amber eyes (the right of which is glass), silver hair in a bun, a big bushy beard, and light brown skin.
Biferin Bronzecandle Farmer 134 Female Dwarf She is an adult dwarf with brown eyes, long styled black and grey streaked hair, a big bushy beard, and dark brown skin.
Frerundin Bronzecandle Housekeeper 93 Male Dwarf He is an adult dwarf with amber eyes, short curly dyed strawberry hair, a full beard tied in a plat, and light pink skin.
Ibliarin Bronzecandle Farmer 194 Male Dwarf He is an adult dwarf with one amber eye (his right is covered by an eye-patch), short dark-brown hair, a long beard, and medium brown skin.
Náluin Bronzecandle 203 Male Dwarf He is an elderly dwarf with amber eyes (behind a pair of spectacles), long curly white hair, stubble, and light pink skin.
Naugorn Bronzecandle Farmer 215 Male Dwarf He is an elderly dwarf with grey eyes, short strawberry hair, a full beard, and light pink skin.
Thurin Bronzecandle Housekeeper 129 Male Dwarf He is an adult dwarf with amber eyes, balding strawberry and grey streaked hair, a big bushy beard, and light brown skin.

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