Wheat Field

317 year old Human construction, small sized

Location: Port Trowbhaven

Owned by: Jessey Moulton

The wooden beams on this 5th Century home are painted cyan. The wheat field is known for its small yield, but the wheat is of poor quality.


Name Role Age Gender Race Description
Benjamin Moulton 60 Male Human He is an elderly human with grey eyes, balding silver hair, a long beard, and light brown skin.
Jessey Moulton Farmer 54 Female Human She is an elderly human with grey eyes, white hair in a plait, and olive skin.
Otis Moulton Housekeeper 16 Male Human He is an adolescent human with grey eyes, red hair in a ponytail, and light brown skin.
Smith Moulton Housekeeper 13 Male Human He is an adolescent human with grey eyes, short auburn hair, and light brown skin.

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