The Artificer of Emeldirworth Pub

93 year old Gnome construction, small sized

Location: Emeldirworth

Owned by: Klinxankar Orecleave Keoverhaer Iminir Albinus Reginine

The window frames on this half-timbered cottage has been painted olive. A cozy fireplace crackles in the corner of this drinking house, providing warmth.

⟳ Re-roll everything!


  • "There's trouble on the wind."
  • "Thank Solos for this drink!"
  • "The Artificer of Emeldirworth Pub is the best tavern in miles!"
  • "I never trusted those folks over the way."
  • "Maybe a bard will sing about you someday!"


At the tavern right now are:

Behind the bar

At this location, items are priced between 99% and 113% of their base value.

Available Price Value Item Description Weight
17 4 gp 1 sp 4 gp Bottle of Bounce A bottle of bounce containing 8 cups. A gnomish drink. Fruit-flavored sugar-water mixed with hooch. 1½ lbs.
2 4 gp 4 gp Bottle of Mead A bottle of mead containing 8 cups. A fine Gnomish mead made from honey. 1½ lbs.
13 5 gp 7 sp 5 gp Bottle of Tea-Hooch A bottle of bounce containing 8 cups. A gnomish drink. A concentrated tea-infusion mixed with hooch. 1½ lbs.
4 5 sp 5 cp 5 sp Cup of Mead A fine Gnomish mead made from honey.
1 5 sp 6 cp 5 sp Glass of Bounce A gnomish drink. Fruit-flavored sugar-water mixed with hooch.
4 7 sp 8 cp 7 sp Glass of Tea-Hooch A gnomish drink. A concentrated tea-infusion mixed with hooch.


  • Undamaged empty bottles can be returned for a 1 gp refund.


Name Role Age Gender Race Description
Calantadil Grar Corkor 6 Male Gnome He is a gnome child with blue eyes, lemon yellow hair in braids, and light brown skin.
Kiltkor Ironcandle Smallgins Borgvol Tavern Keeper's Apprentice 22 Male Gnome He is an adolescent gnome with blue eyes, very short dark green hair, and olive skin.
Klinxankar Orecleave Keoverhaer Iminir Albinus Reginine Tavern Keeper 115 Female Gnome She is an adult gnome with blue eyes, long flowing dark brown hair, and light pink skin.
Ogglelurg Bennet Corkor 3 Female Gnome She is a gnome child with grey eyes, light brown hair in a plait, and light brown skin.
Rhothnyl Cline Peonna Reginine Corkor Housekeeper 53 Female Gnome She is an adult gnome with grey eyes, lemon yellow and grey streaked hair in a plait, and light brown skin.
Shaciim Gamticosaan Sertill Corkor Bar Keeper 25 Male Gnome He is an adult gnome with grey eyes, short curly dark blue hair, a moustache, and light brown skin.
Talkelerhil Hunsug Jergpuu Kidin Reginine Housekeeper 118 Male Gnome He is an adult gnome with grey eyes, a shaved head, a horseshoe moustache, and light brown skin.
Tunrog Celebrril Paskan Uggder Corkor Bar Keeper 55 Male Gnome He is an adult gnome with hazel eyes, very short dyed blue hair, a horseshoe moustache, and medium brown skin.

Family Tree

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