
72 year old Halfling construction, medium sized

Location: Lauraham

Owned by: Valdericco Digglebuck-Duncan

A half-timbered house with a thatched roof. A orchard is nearby.


Name Role Age Gender Race Description
Cornera Gorham-Duncan 8 Female Human She is a human child with brown eyes, black hair in a bun, and dark brown skin.
Dudoius Podgardner-Duncan Orchardist 32 Male Longfoot He is an adult longfoot with brown eyes, short dark-brown hair, bushy sideburns, and medium brown skin.
Glanan Gorham-Duncan Orchardist 27 Female Human She is an adult human with grey eyes, short curly dark-brown and grey streaked hair, and light brown skin.
Gundabtho Grubbhouse-Podgardner Orchardist 63 Male Longfoot He is an adult longfoot with amber eyes, a dark-brown quiff, bushy sideburns, and medium brown skin.
Haiducuc Gorham-Duncan 7 Male Human He is a human child with grey eyes, short dark-brown hair, and light brown skin.
Jemimala Podgardner-Duncan Orchardist 57 Female Longfoot She is an adult longfoot with brown eyes, long dark-brown hair with a fringe cut, and medium brown skin.
Lalia Digglebuck-Duncan Housekeeper 13 Female Human She is an adolescent human with amber eyes, long flowing dark-brown hair, and light brown skin.
Lindaida Grubbhouse-Podgardner 67 Female Human She is an elderly human with brown eyes, short dark-brown hair, and medium brown skin.
Paladld Gorham-Duncan Housekeeper 29 Male Human He is an adult human with brown eyes, scruffy black hair, a clean shaven face, and dark brown skin.
Paladld Podgardner-Duncan Orchardist 69 Male Longfoot He is an elderly longfoot with grey eyes, short curly dyed blond hair, bushy sideburns, and light pink skin.
Pauline Gorham-Duncan 4 Female Human She is a human child with grey eyes, dark-brown hair in braids, and light brown skin.
Primulnd Digglebuck-Duncan Orchardist 52 Female Human She is an elderly human with amber eyes, white hair in a plait, and olive skin.
Tanggo Digglebuck-Duncan Housekeeper 18 Male Human He is an adolescent human with grey eyes, long curly strawberry hair, and olive skin.
Valdericco Digglebuck-Duncan Orchardist 49 Male Longfoot He is an adult longfoot with amber eyes, short curly dark-brown hair, a clean shaven face, and medium brown skin.

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