
191 year old Gnome construction, medium sized

Location: Atelier Gladur

Owned by: Lornbat Patridehos Trouqirar Beljhis Donovan

A half-timbered house with a slate tile roof. A map of Atelier Gladur is framed on one wall. A group of hunters live here.


Name Role Age Gender Race Description
Aluiathow Wymon Beljhis Eiliis Hunter 118 Female Gnome She is an adult gnome with brilliant blue eyes, scruffy light brown hair, and pale white skin.
Darina Faerqiar Irlyasth 3 Male Gnome He is a gnome child with blue eyes, very short dark green hair, and light brown skin.
Hogfield Ogglenint Irlyasth 2 Male Gnome He is an infant gnome with grey eyes, wisps of lemon yellow hair, and light pink skin.
Iminon Cerethiaym Balundin Donovan Kibal Jherliith Hunter 95 Female Gnome She is an adult gnome with grey eyes, dyed bright red hair in a ponytail, and light brown skin.
Lornbat Patridehos Trouqirar Beljhis Donovan Hunter 132 Female Gnome She is an adult gnome with one blue eye (her right is closed and scarred), dark brown hair in a ponytail, and pale white skin.
Lucille Wowkern Irlyasth Hunter 27 Female Gnome She is an adult gnome with grey eyes, long flowing orange hair, and light brown skin.
Náináin Vyreinn Irlyasth 0 Female Gnome She is an infant gnome with blue eyes, scruffy sky blue hair, and light brown skin.
Nargraxas Duili Thapoaar Trinar Housekeeper 140 Female Gnome She is an adult gnome with brown eyes, short pale indigo hair in a side parting, and medium brown skin.
Sernint Rufus Barrow Catharine Jherliith Housekeeper 95 Male Gnome He is an adult gnome with blue eyes, long flowing red hair, a moustache, and light pink skin.
Thráurin Eagerbrow Drogo Jherliith Irlyasth Hunter 27 Male Gnome He is an adult gnome with grey eyes, very short dyed red hair, bushy sideburns, and light pink skin.

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