River Inlet

173 year old Otterfolk construction, medium sized

Location: Washingden

Owned by: Shrululee Sheelapup

Located away from the water line, this Den shares it's access to the water with other families. The river inlet is known for its collection of rare fish species like salmon, trout and sturgeon.


Name Role Age Gender Race Description
Borini Silverminer Angler 76 Male Dwarf He is an adult dwarf with grey eyes, short red hair in a side parting, a long beard, and light pink skin.
Dulula Sheelapup Housekeeper 13 Female Otterfolk She is an adult otterfolk with black eyes and white fur with black streaks.
Heep Rulurupup 1 Female Otterfolk She is an infant otterfolk with black eyes and light brown fur with brown fur on their tail.
Jeelo Rulurupup 1 Male Otterfolk He is an infant otterfolk with black eyes and light brown fur with brown streaks.
Khemeek Dululapup Housekeeper 42 Male Otterfolk He is an adult otterfolk with grey eyes and light brown fur with dark brown fur on their face and chest.
Loop Rheeppup Angler 27 Female Otterfolk She is an adult otterfolk with grey eyes and medium brown fur with grey fur on their face and chest.
Rheep Looppup 5 Female Otterfolk She is an otterfolk child with grey eyes and medium brown fur with grey fur on their face and chest.
Rieli Sheelapup Housekeeper 7 Female Otterfolk She is an adolescent otterfolk with black eyes and white fur with light brown streaks.
Ruluru Rheppup Housekeeper 22 Female Otterfolk She is an adult otterfolk with grey eyes and light brown fur with brown stripes.
Sheerit Rulurupup 5 Male Otterfolk He is an otterfolk child with black eyes and light brown fur with white streaks.
Shrootee Sheelapup Housekeeper 9 Female Otterfolk She is an adolescent otterfolk with black eyes and light brown fur with dark brown streaks.
Shrululee Sheelapup Angler 19 Male Otterfolk He is an adult otterfolk with black eyes and light brown fur with white fur on their tail.
Wheyemeek Dululapup Housekeeper 40 Male Otterfolk He is an adult otterfolk with grey eyes and grey fur with light brown fur on their face and chest.
Zeekol Sheelapup Angler 17 Male Otterfolk He is an adult otterfolk with black eyes and grey fur with white streaks.
Ziell Zuluppup Angler 33 Male Otterfolk He is an adult otterfolk with black eyes and grey fur with dark brown streaks.

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