Forgehand's Smelters / Ore Extraction

261 year old Dwarf construction, small sized

Location: Evaporitedeep

Owned by: Bofhal Forgehand

These excavated caverns serve as a small family home. A fat tabby moggy lies lazily near the entrance. It's nametag says "Skip." This family mine also has a Smelters / Ore Extraction.


Name Role Age Gender Race Description
Bofhal Forgehand Smelter 234 Male Dwarf He is an elderly dwarf with green eyes, strawberry hair in a bun, a full beard tied in two braids, and light brown skin.
Duralin Forgehand Housekeeper 147 Female Dwarf She is an adult dwarf with brown eyes, long tied back dyed auburn hair, a long beard, and medium brown skin.
Dwaliadur Leadtongs Smelter's Apprentice 21 Male Dwarf He is an adolescent dwarf with amber eyes, auburn hair in braids, a big bushy beard, and olive skin.
Dwrin Forgehand Smelter 129 Male Dwarf He is an adult dwarf with grey eyes, long flowing auburn hair, a clean shaven face, and olive skin.
Gimldin Forgehand Smelter 104 Male Dwarf He is an adult dwarf with brown eyes, a dyed purple quiff, a long beard, and dark brown skin.
Iblialin Forgehand Housekeeper 141 Male Dwarf He is an adult dwarf with grey eyes, short auburn and grey streaked hair, a big bushy beard, and olive skin.
Ibliun Forgehand Housekeeper 15 Male Dwarf He is an adolescent dwarf with grey eyes, short auburn hair, bushy sideburns, and light brown skin.
Kibuith Forgehand Housekeeper 25 Female Dwarf She is an adolescent dwarf with amber eyes, long tied back auburn hair, a big bushy beard, and olive skin.

Family Tree

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