Potato Field

559 year old Halfling construction, medium sized

Location: Gulasshire

Owned by: Matilor Morgan-Goodheaver

A historic 3rd Century half-timbered house. A symbol in the shape of a signpost hangs over the doorway. The potato field is known for its yield of premium potatoes.


Name Role Age Gender Race Description
Bladuan Morgan-Goodheaver Housekeeper 14 Male Halfling He is an adolescent halfling with amber eyes, a shaved head, and light pink skin.
Dinanho Crandall-Morgan Housekeeper 52 Male Halfling He is an adult halfling with grey eyes, short curly strawberry and grey streaked hair, a clean shaven face, and light pink skin.
Falcolo Clerk-Morgan 2 Male Halfling He is an infant halfling with grey eyes, a bald head, and light pink skin.
Fastreibs Crandall-Morgan Potato Farmer 40 Male Halfling He is an adult halfling with amber eyes, black hair in braids, a clean shaven face, and medium brown skin.
Grimaina Crandall-Morgan Potato Farmer 85 Female Halfling She is an elderly halfling with amber eyes, long flowing strawberry and grey streaked hair, and light pink skin.
Grimngo Clerk-Morgan Housekeeper 32 Male Halfling He is an adult halfling with grey eyes (behind a pair of spectacles), short strawberry hair, a clean shaven face, and light pink skin.
Hamilho Morgan Housekeeper 27 Male Halfling He is an adult halfling with grey eyes, a shaved head, a full beard, and light pink skin.
Matilor Morgan-Goodheaver Potato Farmer 36 Female Halfling She is an adult halfling with grey eyes, short blond hair, and light pink skin.
Pimpese Morgan Housekeeper 21 Female Halfling She is an adult halfling with grey eyes, long blond hair tied back in a knot, and light pink skin.
Primuca Clerk-Morgan Potato Farmer 40 Female Longfoot She is an adult longfoot with green eyes, dyed blond hair in a ponytail, and light pink skin.
Sarad Clerk-Morgan 4 Male Halfling He is a halfling child with grey eyes, short strawberry hair, and light pink skin.
Sarad Morgan Potato Farmer 67 Male Halfling He is an adult halfling with grey eyes, a strawberry quiff, a clean shaven face, and light pink skin.
Tolmaed Morgan-Goodheaver Potato Farmer 36 Male Halfling He is an adult halfling with amber eyes, a strawberry quiff, a clean shaven face, and light pink skin.

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