
78 year old Halfling construction, small sized

Location: Hildworth

Owned by: Diamonila

A rounded Cob wall construction, half buried with a living turf roof. A small dairy farm with a cheese-making facility is on the property.


Name Role Age Gender Race Description
Diamonila Dairy Farmer 61 Female Halfling She is an adult halfling with amber eyes, scruffy red and grey streaked hair, and pale white skin.
Lavira Diamonila 8 Female Elfling She is an elfling child with blue eyes, scruffy blond hair, and pale white skin.
Maglorhir Housekeeper 70 Male Elf He is an adolescent elf with hazel eyes, a black quiff, and dark brown skin.
Rorima Rumburrow Housekeeper 70 Male Halfling He is an adult halfling with amber eyes, dark-brown hair in a ponytail, a clean shaven face, and light brown skin.
Varda Rumburrow Housekeeper 86 Female Elf She is an adolescent elf with brown eyes, long flowing dyed brown hair, and dark brown skin.

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