The Honest Eagle Pub

69 year old Dwarf construction, small sized

Location: Serpentinitepeak

Owned by: Dáinurin Brassdeep

These natural caverns and tunnels serve as a small family home. This is a public house. The bartender gives you a nod as they clean a glass.

⟳ Re-roll everything!


  • "The Honest Eagle Pub is the best tavern in miles!"
  • "It's going to be a fine season, mark my words."
  • "I wanted to be an adventurer when I was a kid."
  • "Broaye is stronger than ever!"
  • "This tavern dates back 69 years."


At the tavern right now are:

  • Gimur Bronzedeep - Adult (58) ♀ Dwarf - She is an adult dwarf with brown eyes, short curly dark-brown hair, a long beard, and medium brown skin.
  • Mîóni Littletongs - Elder (209) ♀ Dwarf - She is an elderly dwarf with brown eyes, thin scruffy dark-brown hair, a long beard, and medium brown skin.
  • Kiarkûn son of Balundin - Head Tailor - Adult (139) ♂ Dwarf - He is an adult dwarf with brown eyes, very short black hair, a big bushy beard, and black skin.
  • Dáinhal daughter of Nábur - Farmer - Adult (171) ♀ Dwarf - She is an adult dwarf with blue eyes, scruffy red hair, a full beard tied in a plat, and pale white skin.
  • Náli son of Bodarkûn - Adult (134) ♂ Dwarf - He is an adult dwarf with brown eyes, a bald head, a long beard, and medium brown skin.
  • Náur Silvereyes - Adult (82) ♀ Dwarf - She is an adult dwarf with green eyes, short brown hair in a side parting, a long beard, and light brown skin.
  • Thórói Sharpcarter - Head Miner - Adult (100) ♀ Dwarf - She is an adult dwarf with grey eyes, long styled brown and grey streaked hair, a big bushy beard, and light brown skin.
  • Thrarkûn Leadeyes - Grocer - Adult (95) ♂ Dwarf - He is an adult dwarf with brown eyes, black hair worn in a rounded bowl cut, a big bushy beard, and dark brown skin.

Behind the bar

At this location, items are priced between 90% and 113% of their base value.

Available Price Value Item Description Weight
16 5 cp 5 cp Animal Feed (1 day) 10 lbs.
2 5 gp 6 sp 6 gp Bottle of Dwarven Whisky A bottle of whisky containing 16 glasses. A fairly average Dwarven whisky. 1½ lbs.
23 3 sp 6 cp 4 sp Dram of Dwarven Whisky A fairly average Dwarven whisky.
136 5 cp 4 cp Mug of Ale Bog standard ale.
125 7 cp 6 cp Mug of Pale Ale A light and pleasant pale-ale, brewed to a 69 year old recipe.
22 2 sp 2 sp Pitcher of Ale A gallon of bog standard ale, served in a pitcher. 10 lbs.
2 4 sp 6 cp 5 sp Stabling (1 day)


  • Undamaged empty bottles can be returned for a 1 gp refund.


Name Role Age Gender Race Description
Bodáin Brassdeep 0 Male Dwarf He is an infant dwarf with grey eyes, scruffy strawberry hair, and olive skin.
Dáinurin Brassdeep Tavern Keeper 133 Male Dwarf He is an adult dwarf with brown eyes, short dark-brown hair, a big bushy beard, and medium brown skin.
Durorn daughter of Borin Housekeeper 125 Female Dwarf She is an adult dwarf with brown eyes, black hair in a bun, a big bushy beard, and dark brown skin.
Dwalibur daughter of Bombóin Tavern Keeper's Apprentice 36 Female Dwarf She is an adolescent dwarf with grey eyes, long flowing auburn hair, a big bushy beard, and olive skin.
Dwin Brassdeep Housekeeper 30 Male Dwarf He is an adolescent dwarf with brown eyes, very short dark-brown hair, a long beard, and medium brown skin.
Kibrór Brassdeep Housekeeper 52 Male Dwarf He is an adult dwarf with amber eyes, dark-brown hair in a ponytail, a long beard, and medium brown skin.
Kinalin Leadeyes Tavern Keeper's Apprentice 26 Male Dwarf He is an adolescent dwarf with amber eyes, auburn hair in a bun, a full beard tied in two braids, and olive skin.

Family Tree

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