Shaanla's Apothecary

800 year old Elf construction, small sized

Location: Rothford

Owned by: Celedhwde Shaanla

A small hardwood cabin. A large grey hound is sniffing about the place. It's nametag says "Skip." The far wall of this apothecary is shelved floor to ceiling and lined with bottles, vials and pouches of all sizes, each one labeled by hand.


Name Role Age Gender Race Description
Anairor Laelithor Housekeeper 64 Male Elf He is an adolescent elf with copper eyes, short black hair, and dark brown skin.
Celedhwde Shaanla Arch-Druid 535 Female Elf She is an adult elf with silver eyes, long curly auburn hair, and light brown skin.
Finduilen Shaanla Arch-Druid's Apprentice 43 Female Elf She is an adolescent elf with copper eyes, long tied back black hair, and dark brown skin.
Galagunas Laelithor Housekeeper 51 Male Elf He is an adolescent elf with copper eyes, short curly black hair, and dark brown skin.
Gildoon Whimgirdle Housekeeper 366 Male Elf He is an adult elf with grey eyes, scruffy auburn hair, a clean shaven face, and light pink skin.
Indial Shaanla 4 Female Elf She is an elf child with brown eyes, long black hair tied back in a knot, and black skin.
Jemimnna Shaanla Housekeeper 288 Female Elf She is an adult elf with copper eyes, short black hair in a side parting, and dark brown skin.
Mahtin Laelithor Druid 314 Male Elf He is an adult elf with brown eyes, a shaved head, stubble, and black skin.
Mithir Laelithor Housekeeper 104 Male Elf He is an adolescent elf with copper eyes, a shaved head, and dark brown skin.
Olcost Draerern Druid 492 Male Elf He is an adult elf with brown eyes, short curly brown hair, a soulpatch, and black skin.
Rindaas Ralytnae Housekeeper 67 Female Elf She is an adolescent elf with grey eyes, red hair in a ponytail, and grey skin.
Sheyelee Ashgroveha Arch-Druid's Apprentice 82 Male Elf He is an adolescent elf with grey eyes, short curly brown hair, and light brown skin.

Family Tree

Items for sale

⟳ Re-roll shop stock.

At this location, items are priced between 98% and 104% of their base value.

Available Price Value Item Rarity Description
1 93 gp 90 gp Philter of love uncommon The next time you see a creature within 10 minutes after drinking this philter, you become charmed by that creature for 1 hour. If the creature is of a species and gender you are normally attracted to, you regard it as your true love while you are charmed. This potion's rose-hued, effervescent liquid contains one easy-to-miss bubble shaped like a heart.
1 510 gp 500 gp Potion of giant strength (hill giant) uncommon When you drink this potion, your Strength score changes to 21 for 1 hour. The type of giant determines the score. The potion has no effect on you if your Strength is equal to or greater than that score. This potion's transparent liquid has floating in it a sliver of fingernail from a giant of the appropriate type. The potion of frost giant strength and the potion of stone giant strength have the same effect.
1 260 gp 270 gp Potion of growth uncommon When you drink this potion, you gain the "enlarge" effect of the spell for 1d4 hours (no concentration required). The red in the potion's liquid continuously expands from a tiny bead to color the clear liquid around it and then contracts. Shaking the bottle fails to interrupt this process.
3 51 gp 50 gp Potion of healing common You regain 2d4 + 2 hit points when you drink this potion. The potion's red liquid glimmers when agitated.
1 180 gp 180 gp Potion of water breathing uncommon You can breathe underwater for 1 hour after drinking this potion. Its cloudy green fluid smells of the sea and has a jellyfish-like bubble floating in it.
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