The Badger & Weasel Pub

5 year old Halfling construction, small sized

Location: Merryham

Owned by: Tolman Twoburrow-Carver

Several small tents, pitched in a circle. A painting of Halflings hang on the wall. A cozy fireplace crackles in the corner of this drinking house, providing warmth.

⟳ Re-roll everything!


  • "The Adventurers Guild Hall pays well if you think you're strong enough." (Tell me more)
  • "I wanted to be an adventurer when I was a kid."
  • "Tolman Twoburrow-Carver is a good man. Good at getting me drunk, at least!"
  • "Astrus is stronger than ever!"
  • "Drinks are on Folcco tonight!"


At the tavern right now are:

  • Folcco Fay (born Vail-Fay) - Gaffer Mason - Adult (23) ♂ Longfoot - He is an adult longfoot with blue eyes, short curly light-brown hair, bushy sideburns, and light pink skin.
  • Inoda Twoburrow (born Carver-Twoburrow) - Adult (47) ♂ Halfling - He is an adult halfling with amber eyes, short light-brown hair, a long beard, and olive skin.
  • Saminor Brocknose-Carver - Adult (25) ♀ Longfoot - She is an adult longfoot with hazel eyes, long flowing dyed brown hair, and black skin.
  • Nelly Carver of Plypool - Medic - Adult (36) ♀ Human - She is an adult human with hazel eyes, short dark-brown hair, and medium brown skin.
  • Pimpine Underville - Beggar - Elder (99) ♀ Halfling - She is an elderly halfling with green eyes (behind a pair of spectacles), long tied back grey hair, and pale white skin.
  • Salvina Brocknose-Carver - Elder (65) ♀ Longfoot - She is an elderly longfoot with amber eyes, long tied back grey hair, and medium brown skin.
  • Brunotan Putnam-Vail - Beggar - Adult (53) ♂ Halfling - He is an adult halfling with green eyes, short light-brown hair in a side parting, bushy sideburns, and olive skin.
  • Verna Vail-Fay of Plypool - Hunter - Elder (61) ♀ Human - She is an elderly human with blue eyes, scruffy light-brown and grey streaked hair, and light pink skin.
  • Estellael Garcia - Shopkeep - Adult (25) ♀ Longfoot - She is an adult longfoot with amber eyes (behind a pair of spectacles), auburn hair in braids, and dark brown skin.
  • Daisyila Garcia-Brandyhouse - Dairy Farmer - Adult (23) ♀ Longfoot - She is an adult longfoot with hazel eyes, long tied back dyed red hair, and dark brown skin.
  • Lydia Haykin of Plypool - Adult (23) ♀ Human - She is an adult human with hazel eyes, long tied back dark-brown hair, and dark brown skin.
  • Faili Putnam-Vail - Farm Hand - Adult (27) ♀ Halfling - She is an adult halfling with blue eyes (behind a pair of spectacles), long flowing brown hair, and light brown skin.

Behind the bar

At this location, items are priced between 80% and 95% of their base value.

Available Price Value Item Description Weight
19 5 cp 5 cp Animal Feed (1 day) 10 lbs.
1 11 gp 12 gp Bottle of Fine Halfling Whisky A bottle of whisky containing 16 glasses. Very fine aged Halfling whisky. 1½ lbs.
0 5 gp 3 sp 6 gp Bottle of Halfling Whisky A bottle of whisky containing 16 glasses. A fairly average Halfling whisky. 1½ lbs.
1 3 gp 2 sp 4 gp Bottle of Mead A bottle of mead containing 8 cups. A fine Halfling mead made from honey. 1½ lbs.
4 4 gp 3 sp 5 gp Bottle of Shiraz (Oak aged, Vintage 792) A deep ruby red, with notes of black pepper and dark chocolate. 2½ lbs.
4 4 gp 6 sp 5 gp Bottle of Shiraz (Vintage 795) A deep ruby red, with notes of black pepper and dark chocolate. 2½ lbs.
2 4 sp 7 cp 5 sp Cup of Mead A fine Halfling mead made from honey.
4 6 sp 5 cp 8 sp Dram of Fine Halfling Whisky Very fine aged Halfling whisky.
14 3 sp 4 cp 4 sp Dram of Halfling Whisky A fairly average Halfling whisky.
4 5 cp 5 cp Glass of Merryham Rosé Wine A basic wine, made with a blend of local grapes.
150 4 cp 4 cp Mug of Ale Bog standard ale.
130 6 cp 6 cp Mug of Astrus Bitter A bitter of the type popular in Astrus.
128 5 cp 6 cp Mug of Merryham Special Brew A larger, the hops sourced from nearby.
19 1 sp 8 cp 2 sp Pitcher of Ale A gallon of bog standard ale, served in a pitcher. 10 lbs.
3 2 gp 6 sp 3 gp Pitcher of Cabernet Sauvignon (Oak aged, Vintage 787) A red wine, with notes of blackcurrant and cedar. 1½ lbs.
1 1 sp 8 cp 2 sp Pitcher of Merryham Red Wine A basic wine, made with a blend of local grapes. A pitcher holds 5 generous cups.
1 1 sp 7 cp 2 sp Pitcher of Merryham Rosé Wine A basic wine, made with a blend of local grapes. A pitcher holds 5 generous cups.
3 4 sp 1 cp 5 sp Stabling (1 day)


  • Undamaged empty bottles can be returned for a 1 gp refund.


Name Role Age Gender Race Description
Jasmilly Pannarius-Vail 6 Female Longfoot She is a longfoot child with amber eyes, short auburn hair, and light brown skin.
Lindaina Carver Tavern Keeper's Apprentice 17 Female Human She is an adolescent human with hazel eyes, dark-brown hair in a bun, and medium brown skin.
Loriora Tovy 6 Female Human She is a human child with amber eyes, short black hair, and dark brown skin.
Rindalel Twoburrow-Carver Housekeeper 55 Female Elf She is an adolescent elf with hazel eyes, short curly brown hair, and dark brown skin.
Tolman Twoburrow-Carver Tavern Keeper 53 Male Halfling He is an adult halfling with hazel eyes, black hair in a bun, a full beard, and dark brown skin.

Family Tree

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