Wheat Field

434 year old Human construction, medium sized

Location: Ramtree

Owned by: Sue Elder

A brick house, painted beige. A statue of the deity Caspio stands outside. The wheat field is known for its yield, but the wheat is of poor quality.


Name Role Age Gender Race Description
Aylewynus Elder 4 Male Human He is a human child with brown eyes, short dark-brown hair in a side parting, and medium brown skin.
Bert Elder Housekeeper 33 Male Human He is an adult human with hazel eyes, short light-brown hair, a petite handlebar moustache, and medium brown skin.
Norman Doty Housekeeper 30 Male Human He is an adult human with brown eyes, dark-brown hair in a bun, stubble, and medium brown skin.
Olivia Doty Farmer 30 Female Human She is an adult human with amber eyes, dark-brown hair in braids, and medium brown skin.
Sue Elder Farmer 35 Female Human She is an adult human with brown eyes, long styled dark-brown and grey streaked hair, and medium brown skin.
Warinus Elder 5 Male Human He is a human child with grey eyes, short strawberry hair in a side parting, and light pink skin.
Ysac Elder 2 Male Human He is an infant human with blue eyes, scruffy blond hair, and light pink skin.

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