
21 year old Dragonborn construction, small sized

Location: Argostead

Owned by: Margaretta Alford

A recently constructed half-timbered house. A painting of Dragonborn hang on the wall. A small vineyard is nearby. The grapes grown include Chardonnay, Merlot and Pinot Noir.


Name Role Age Gender Race Description
Denis Alford Housekeeper 36 Male Dragonborn He is an adult dragonborn with amber eyes and red scales.
Margaretta Alford Vigneron 40 Female Dragonborn She is an adult dragonborn with green eyes and green scales.
Pandjedish Alford 9 Male Dragonborn He is a dragonborn child with amber eyes and green scales.
Wunargred Alford 1 Male Dragonborn He is an infant dragonborn with green eyes and red scales.

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